Hello to the world. Good Morning, Dear Students; I am very - TopicsExpress


Hello to the world. Good Morning, Dear Students; I am very pleased and delighted to offer some Advanced useful expressions to my students in order to keep their level advanced in the form of enriching and boasting up their vocabularies and the strategies of conducting a conversation with native speakers confidently without having any fear of being just Anglophone. I will make you as much capable as native speaker are while talking to someone with the credit/reward of being native speaker of English Language. When a Native Speaker Strikes up a conversation ( Questions need to be asked after having them understand effectively) : By Prof. Saghir Javed Hi, How are you this morning? How are you today? Are you doing alright? How are you doing ? How are you feeling? How is everything ? How are things going on? How are you managing? How are you getting on? How is it going ? How has it been? How have you been? How are your circumstances? How are things with you? What have been doing lately? What have you been up to? How life has been treating you? Have you heard latest about Prof.Saghir Javed and Francois? I have not seen you in long time/ long ages/in years! I dont see you much around here anymore! Long time no see! Where have you been keeping yourself? Where have you been hiding yourself? Where have you been vanished/ disappeared? Whats new? What are the new developments in the current situation? Whats happening? Whats up? Whats cooking? Whats the deal? Whats the scoop? Whats going on around here? Whats that racket? Is there anything going on? What else is new? Is there anything noticeable happening here ? Hows life? Hows family? Hows business? Hows wife? How tomorrow is looking like ? Have got any idea for tomorrow? Have a Nice Day! Dear Students; I look forward to taking your attention over these above mentioned and raised questions. Which are asked by the native speakers when they strike up a conversations with their comrades, fellows and amigos as well. Well What I would is to make you acquainted with these sorta question for your daily conversations with your comrades. You wont believe this! I have incredible answers for all of them. Here is the bottom line I need all of you to let me guess out what exactly you have already found for these aforementioned questions with your self-made studies. Do you know what exactly I am talking about ? Yes/ No/ May be! I hate to tell you that you are supposed to share your own reflected and self-made answers for all these questions today and I do make you sure that I will submit the complete comprehensive and more persuasive answers by tomorrow with informative and influential explanations convincingly before you with a new lesson. I have got a lot of lessons to divulge/ bring out / unveil before you in the form of Advanced Useful Expression for all the situation that does matter in our daily life with useful and informative/ effective explanations for you for free of cost. Here Its a time to take on some promises that I will endeavor my best to become more enthusiastic, vivacious. devoted, determined, dedicated, committed, ardent, fervent, penchant, passionate, eager, keen on learning Advanced English Language with Prof. Saghir Javed with the attitude of being more exuberant, ebullient, buoyant, effervescent, sunny, jubilant and breezy all the time in my life with the purpose of learning and speaking English as Native speaker with no compromise with the excellency and fluency in my daily conversation with Prof. Saghir Javed! Join me on Skype! Saghirenglishlearning! Have a Nice Day! Lesson is over and Bye until I publish a new lesson! Prof. Saghir Javed!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:20:53 +0000

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