Help Dr. Rettig finish this documentary and get the opportunity to - TopicsExpress


Help Dr. Rettig finish this documentary and get the opportunity to live a real shamanic experience. Our gifts start at $1dll donations and up, you can have your credit on the film or even become an associate producer. Join our next filming expedition! Over the past eight years, Dr. Rettig has been conducting research on the ancient sacred use of 5-MeO-DMT in the Sonora desert. Three years ago, he re-introduced the use of this medicine to the Seri Tribe to successfully treat methamphetamine addicts. He learned the ancient rituals, chants and rites of the Seri tribe and became an apprentice of Don Pancho, a Seri elder shaman. By combining the chants he was given as a gift from the Seri people, with the Sacred Medicine he created a therapy technique. He now performs this Ancient Sacred Medicine Ceremony authorized by the council of elder Seri shamans, to treat addicts, and also to initiate adepts from around the globe into the spiritual realm. Dr. Rettig has been successfully using this sacred medicine in therapy sessions (hundreds of them documented) for thousands of people. He has also used this therapy effectively on crystal methamphetamine addicts where it affects neural receptors. The addicts no longer crave the drug and it opens a spiritual gateway for them. Dr. Rettig a physician and surgeon (author of the book Bufo Alvarius, The Toad from Down) is currently traveling around the world, speaking at conferences about his research on the ancient use of a powerful substance extracted from the Sonora desert toad (and its relation to the evolution of man), under the auspices of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. This film narrates and documents the anthropological, ethnomusicological, archeological and pharmacological aspects of Dr. Rettig’s fantastic story, and as director Leonardo Bondani has described, “Its also, a journey into the mind and the soul, the search for enlightenment, the human condition...and the fabric of the cosmos.” Our perks are RARE and EXTRAORDINARY! We are giving away, Sacred Seri Chants audio downloads, film downloads, your credit on the film, and autographed & dedicated books. For some lucky, generous donors: an opportunity to join our film crew and Dr. Rettig himself, and experience for free, the Sacred Ancient Medicine Ceremony in a real shamanic ritual and attend the Seri New Year celebrations (June 30th and July 1st, 2014). Dr. Rettig will administer a few (group and private) sessions at Punta Chueca beach, (Sonora Mexico), their settlement, which oversees the gulf of Baja California and the legendary Shark Island (Isla Tiburon). Complimentary shuttle round trip transportation, boat travel and hotel rooms are included free for some of our very special perks! Some blessed, special donors will even have the opportunity to do this ceremony on the legendary and deserted Shark Island. This is a deserted island protected from visitors, where you can choose to camp overnight or return to your complimentary hotel room in Bahia Kino (a relaxed tourist destination with several hotels) just a 30 minute drive from Punta Chueca. If you are an investor, producer or an executive producer and you would like to place this film on the market, this is a double opportunity! * Associate Producer, Co-Executive Producer and Executive Producer perks are eligible for becoming a partner in any deal for distribution, screening or broadcast that THEY might get for this film. (None of our perks include flight tickets to Hermosillo International Airport, Mexico or any meals.) WHY WE NEED YOUR HELP: It is urgent to preserve the vanishing culture and ancient knowledge that the Seri people have almost forgotten, now alive in just a few of elder shamans who remember how to guide the initiate into the spiritual journey of the soul. We are the first film crew ever to be granted full permission to capture and preserve these sacred rituals and scientific investigation for a global audience. We have created a short video-trailer as an approach to the final film, which was filmed on our first expedition on the winter solstice of December 2013. On that expedition, Dr. Rettig and director Leonardo Bondani were personally invited by the King/President of the Seri tribe to return for the New Year’s two day-long celebration on June 30 and July 1, 2014 in Punta Chueca, Sonora Mexico, an autonomous nation (and a closed area to the public, national government, agencies and institutions). This is the most important date of the year in which the Seri people perform their dances and chants in full regalia attire and their famous face paint. We will film the rest of this documentary to include this ceremonies and interviews at the site with Dr. Rettig himself and the tribal leaders and shamans. Dr. Rettig and Bondani funded the first filming expedition and produced the trailer with money out of their own pockets. We urgently need your donations and support to attend and film the New Years celebration (June 30-July 1, 2014) and finish the editing and postproduction of this project. Your contribution will help document and share with the rest of the world the chants, dances, rituals and knowledge of the Seri tribe, Dr Rettig’s research, and the findings on the almost forgotten... Ancient Sacred Medicine Ceremony. Getting this film done will help in the future create transformation centers in communities affected by addictions, to facilitate therapy sessions with the method developed by Dr Rettig. Check our video-trailer and please conrtibute here: https://indiegogo/projects/the-sacred-ancient-medicine-ceremony/x/4289118
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 19:28:14 +0000

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