Help! FAMILY IN HIGH KILL SHELTER! COLD, CONCRETE, WET FLOORS! HELP!! SO this is the second story tonight that has broken me down! I am calling mommy Nakoma (means great spirit/great warrior in Native American). Nakoma is the SWEETEST mommy in the whole wide world and she is left to die in a high kill shelter with NINE of her 2 week old babies! What is happening!!!! It is FREEZING out there and now we have these itty bitty babies trying to survive on wet, concrete floors in a shelter with loud, screaming dogs and momma who is BEGGING with all she has to save them. She is so calm and sweet and gentle. She just lies her little head in your hands and stares up with these angelic eyes pleading for her family. She doesnt bark or jump. She is trying so hard not to give up. She is trying so hard to be brave for her babies. No rescues are stepping up because it is such a big family and such a risk and expense. So now this is it for them. I know she is confused and desperate. My heart breaks for her. YES! Puppies and momma dogs die EVERY day in kill shelters. In fact, they are usually the first to be put down because they cost so much and get sick. Adoptable, loving, amazing families that want nothing more than to just be loved and be part of someones family. I know everyone wants to jump up and yell at us…save them, save them now. How can we without fosters? Where do we put them? This is reality. We see puppies die everyday and our hands are tied. It is one of the most heart wrenching things we see! Because we know they just need a little time to find their families! This is where I beg you all!! I have personally been a puppy foster for 5 years now. I have fostered over 75 pups. I have 4 kids, 3 personal dogs and work 2 jobs from home and yet, I have found time in my busy life to SAVE babies. It has been so rewarding. My kids have learned so much. They see that we give back and we do SOMETHING! There is nothing like having a puppy or a momma dog look up at you as you are tucking them in at night. You look straight into their soul and you just see. You see them saying thank you. You see the relief. You see the pain start to disappear. You see the trust. You feel the immediate bond. Like..snap.. your hearts just connected. Your souls connected. You became the one angel they needed. Now, you can NOT see how anyone could ever take this baby from this earth. Who the heck could look at this little face and take them from this earth? All these babies need is time, a place to rest their head and you. Arent they worth that? They didnt ask to be born but they are a blessing and they will make someone out there very happy but they cant if we dont give them a chance. PLEASE THIS FAMILY IS BEGGING. MORE FAMILIES ARE BEGGING. BECOME A PUPPY FOSTER!! BECOME A MOMMA DOG FOSTER!! You wont be alone. We are a family of supporters. We all help eachother. We are an amazing group. Momma will care for her babies until they are ready to be weaned and then we can split up pups into different fosters so please help where you can!! Be a puppy foster, be a family foster, be a mommy dog foster. This family is also VERY big which means we NEED funds. No way can a rescue handle 10 dogs without financial support so please spare a few bucks and save this poor family. I promise saving a life tastes so much sweeter than your starbucks. It all adds up. ** MUST HAVE FOSTER IN THE ATLANTA SURROUNDING AREA TO FOSTER THE FAMILY IN ORDER TO SAVE: (WE WILL SPLIT UP PUPS WHEN THEY ARE READY TO BE WEANED). FILL OUT A FOSTER APPLICATION AT Put Nakoma and babies **PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE AND TREAT at and put Nakoma and babies (Any left over funds will help save another animal).
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:20:37 +0000

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