Help a Mom Out: Remember to be constructive not judgmental and - TopicsExpress


Help a Mom Out: Remember to be constructive not judgmental and harsh. Theres a big difference. One results in getting you booted from this page. Thank you. just want to to cry. Actually I did that twice already today. My nearly 6 year old with ADHD & ODD started the day with a fit and since he wasnt calming down I had to keep him home from school. His younger sister has speech therapy on Tuesdays, so I had to take him with me. We were ok for about 10 minutes in the waiting room. Then it started again. Thank God for the front desk lady, she offered to watch my youngest while she waited to go for her therapy so I could take my son to the van. It only escalated. Kicking widows, throwing things at me, yelling at me no. When my daughter was through, her awesome therapist walked her out to me and helped me contain my son to his 5 point harnessed high back booster seat. Her son was like mine when he was younger. We get home and its more of the same, only this time he goes after his sister. Of course I protect her, but there is no calming him down. We cant do time outs in his room because his toys become projectiles and the windows become targets. I have had to lay him on the floor and physically (gently) restrain him, because it gets to a point where he is hurting himself. I have an older daughter (11.5 years) with ADHD as well. She can be a help to me when I need it and when she is in a cooperative mood. My husband thinks I rely on her too much, that she parents more than I do. Some days, yeah that can be true, especially when the dishes need to be done, dogs need feeding and let outside and laundry needs switching AND when my son has had a day like today and Im drained. My husband gets up after I do,usually by 15-30minutes, and gets himself ready for work, makes himself a smoothie, kisses the kids goodbye while helping to get them in their car seats and leaves for work. When he gets home, he changes, eats dinner, helps get them in bed and either works out or watches tv. When certain kids wont stay down in bed, he will go in there a couple of times, but usually we try to ignore their wakefulness and wait for them to settle themselves - unless it goes to long or if there is fighting. I know my son is going to get bigger and mature and Im scared. I dont know what to do. I really dont want to end up dead by my child one day. He is a good kid, it is just these defiant and physical fits he has that he changes. He is medicated and has an IEP. He has 1 on 1 help at school because he needs it. He is in kindergarten. I need help. I need more ammo in my what the hell do I do now arsenal.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 19:04:51 +0000

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