Help me make sense of this. You said my products were too - TopicsExpress


Help me make sense of this. You said my products were too expensive but you are trying to have a gastric bypass, lapband and/or liposuction..... Today, you went to Wendy’s, Starbucks and your ordered a pizza. You are depressed all the time. You had to go shopping today because you can’t fit none of your clothes. You are spending $130 a month on medication. Your children’s friends tease them because of your size. You have a monthly gym membership and you only went twice in the last 3 weeks. Your spouse is not satisfied with your health and your job wants to hire healthier people. You know what, maybe my products are too expensive but it looks too me that your current lifestyle is costing you whole lot more than just money. -Dievah Allen Manager #ifnothingchangesnothingchanges #twothousandfifteen #lifeistooshorttobeunhealthy #challengeyourself #ifwecandoitsocanyou #thejourneyofathousandmilesbeginbytakingonestep #lose8to15lbsin8days
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:33:49 +0000

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