Help us to Help You – Sellers Guide If you’re looking to sell - TopicsExpress


Help us to Help You – Sellers Guide If you’re looking to sell your house and maximise the value then it’s worth spending some time and effort on it before viewers start to come round. To assist you with this, we have put together our top recommendations of things that you can do that can really help sell a property from an estate agents point of view. Get a board – even if you live in a cul-de-sac, you may have people who use your road to turn round and who will see a For Sale board. Your neighbours will also see your home is for sale and will tell other people, helping spread the word. Make sure the name or number of your house is clearly visible so people can find it easily. First impressions count – from our experience, people make their minds up very quickly. Make sure the front garden is tidy, lawn mowed and hedges trimmed. To encourage a positive start to the viewings put bins out of sight if possible so people don’t focus on these. Flowering plants in pots by the front door make a good impression and make sure the front door itself is clean and well painted. It’s worth getting those windows washed as well. Make a snag list and action it – all of it! All those jobs that you’ve meaning to do but never got round to, now is the time to do them. Potential buyers will notice a window sill that needs a coat of paint or a cracked floor tile that needs replacing and this could put them off. They always imagine the worst and overestimate the cost of repairs. Presentation, presentation, presentation – it’s all about the presentation! Inside, de clutter and tidy up – ask friends whose opinions you trust for their thoughts and ideas of how you can make the house most saleable. If you have a lot of belongings to declutter, ask friends if they can help you with storage whilst you are selling. Make sure the rooms are as you wish, so that people don’t have to work hard to visualize the potential uses, literally lay it on a plate for them. If you have a study that could be used as a bedroom, it can be worth putting a bed in whilst selling the property so people can see that a bed will fit. If you have a dining room you are using as a playroom try and show it as both to appeal to the widest possible audience. Leave it to us – we accompany our viewings as the experts in selling homes. It also allow potential purchasers to speak more freely without risking upsetting you, the owner. If you can take the children, pets or relatives out whilst we conduct a viewing then it means the viewers can really focus on the property itself – make sure the radio and TV is off as well to allow people to concentrate on your home. Leave interior doors and lights on to make the property look as light and airy as possible. Don’t forget to ensure your home has had a good airing, use pot pourri, fresh coffee, fresh flowers and even bake bread to create that homely feel. This is even more important if you have pets for obvious reasons. Different strokes for different folks – everyone is looking for something different in a home and we can show your property to viewers focusing on the aspects that we know are important to them, detailing how it can meet their needs. Get ready, set go! Once your house is on the market, think about your next move and where you are going. Viewers often ask about vendors position and how flexible they can be on dates, so it is well worth thinking about this in advance of agreeing a sale. Build up a good relationship with your agent, just as they should with you – it helps if both parties can be honest and pitch in with suggestions for areas of improvement. We always remember that this is a service industry and going the extra yard for our clients reaps benefits in future business and goodwill. If you have a house to sell, and are looking for an estate agent with a difference give us a call on 01934 751111.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 09:04:17 +0000

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