Help us, to help you, help American’s save our Constitutional - TopicsExpress


Help us, to help you, help American’s save our Constitutional Republic with WAKE UP AMERICA! WAKE UP AMERICA is the first of its kind, grassroots powerhouse mission, message and means of financial opportunity that can make and create the Paradigmatic shift, that everyone needs to beat the tyrannical threats we face to our Constitutional Republic. I believe to help Americans achieve truth and common since in governmental policies there needs to be a Paradigm shift in the constitutional political spectrum. I believe this shift is the next level of the battle to win this tyrannical war. It provides the opportunity and means to each individual grassroots member, the opportunity to financially free themselves of their enslavements and reach their true potential, at becoming the next independent political activist to remove the progressive tyrants out of our offices all across this great nation. Thusly creating thousands, if not, millions of free and prosperous American entrepreneur’s. Just an Example: Much like if you were to take .01 penny to start and save it, and then take .02 pennies to save the next day, then save .04 pennies on the third day, then .08 pennies the fourth day, .16 pennies the fifth day and then continue to double your efforts every day afterwards for 30 days, you will have saved over a 5 Million Dollars, To be accurate you would have $5,368,709.12 Talk about taking the campaign to a different level! Can you imagine and/or envision if just 1 person were to double their patriot participants, how many independent political activist would there be after 30 days? It’s a trick question, Look for answer in above paragraph! A little levity is still needed in our lives, LOL! But can you imagine and/or envision how many activist would there be after 60 days? 1073741824 This would help any organization’s operation, against the tyrannical special interest along with helping numerous individuals in the battle that would be participating. I believe this will turn the tables on the tyrannical entities that have pushed and continue to push every non-constitutional tricks with their Cloward/Piven and Saul Alinsky Strategies, while they’re removing the last few vestiges of our Republic’s GOD given rights. WOW, to have an army of independent truthful political activist that are self funded, free and prosperous American entrepreneurs. Now, We The People Can Stand Up Like Never Before, for Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Declare with a Firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, We Mutually Pledge to each other Our Lives, Our Fortune and Our Sacred Honor. Info Here: WUA is in a pre launch stage, we are set to go national July 4th 2013 there is limited time to get in on the ground floor to help save our God Given Constitutional Republic. I can only Imagine “How much more can be accomplished! Our Country and way of life is at stake. I understand you have a busy schedule, but I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience, GOD SPEED! There is a conference call on Tuesday 6/11 at 7:00 PM CST. Share this awesome opportunity! Subject of call: WAKE UP AMERICA! Opportunity Call with John Fuhrman (Get Started Fast) Read more about John Fuhrman. And possibly other management members will be attending. To be announced on the time of the call. Read more about our Management Members. They will be discussing this awesome one of a kind opportunity that is a win/win situation for our Constitutional political spectrum. Conference Access Number: 1-218-339-3047 Conference Pass code: 7041776# Please E-mail me back at your earliest convenience with your opinion in these regards, hope to hear you on the call. May the Lord Bless and protect you and your endeavors. Take Care and GOD BLESS! Sincerely Mr. Michael R Harris PRES & CEO Constitutional Believers, LLC 254/258/6868 facebook/WakeUpAmericaConstitutionalBelievers https://twitter/TutionBeliever Freedom Connecter, Mr. Harris [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:51:46 +0000

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