Help your fellow man, Is that no longer taught at Church ? - TopicsExpress


Help your fellow man, Is that no longer taught at Church ? Here is a page from my life and you be the judge. I am heading in to work this morning, like I have the past 6+ years, same route, every day, but today something is a bit off, for today, when I am starting to get close work I hear the telltale sound of one of my tires going low. The Thump Thump Thump suddenly coming from the rear of my truck, so I find a large parking lot and pull over. I know I will never get it changed & still make it to my meeting in time so I make a phone call to arrange for a co-worker to pick me up and I will change the flat after work. Fast forward 10 hours and I have another Co-Worker drop me off at my truck, It had just started raining 15 minutes earlier and was starting to slack off when we get there so the ground is nice and wet. She is gracious enough to stay with me while I change my flat to make sure I dont have any problem, and that is when I discover that while my jack is in working condition, the bar that operates the jack is not. and nothing else will grip the tiny little propriety joint properly. So my Co-Worker offers me her jack, which would work great, however will not fit my truck. That is when I say, you know what ? I have Geico, and I am told that they do road side assistance, so I will just call them, let the guy jack up my truck, and I can get this tire changed in no time. So I tell my Co-worker to head home and I will handle it. I call my rep, and she gets my information no problem, I tell my location, she is about to send some one out, when she suddenly stops and said, Im sorry but it looks like you dont have Roadside Assistance on your policy for that vehicle, which for some reason I thought was standard with them. But she would be happy to connect me to a towing service and I can work out a rate for them to come out. I graciously declined and said I will find another solution and hung up. It then started raining again. I will not let this jack beat me.. I am better than this. So I go ahead and get my spare tire out and have it leaning against my truck, and I am on my knees on the asphalt trying my best to force this square peg rod to fit in the round hole jack.. It wasnt happening. I was doing every MacGyver idea I could come up with and it just was not working. I know I looked visibly frustrated, I finally give up and start calling people to see who was close that had a jack I could borrow, I finally arrange for my Father to bring a jack. Now let me paint the picture here, it has been raining off and on the whole time I have been out there, I am soaked, I am dirty, I am in a parking lot for a strip center that while not busy I am seeing some one drive by every 1 - 2 minutes, I am parked in a spot right near the only entrance and exit so if you come in or leave you are going to see me. There were NO cars for 10 spaces on each side of me, I was all alone out there. After an hour of being out there finally a passerby stopped and asked if I needed a jack, I said I have one on the way and that I should be fine, but he insisted to help, he parked next to me, pulled out a nice hydraulic jack from his trunk, was able to jack my truck up no problem, I changed the tire in just a few moments, I thanked him profusely, and when he was about to leave I asked, where he was coming from ( because there were several stores ) and he said he was doing some electric work in one of them, and then he left. Now... The reason I asked this kind gentlemen where he was coming from was because, something I left out in my story, one of the buildings in this strip was what I can only assume were the offices to one of the extremely large remote churches that we have here in Spartanburg. Their logo was plastered all over the windows to 2 of the buildings so it was quite obvious. There had been people coming and going constantly from the doors. I even saw a Mid. 20s gentlemen go out to his car which was directly across from my truck, and I was tied up on the phone trying to get a jack or I would have flaged him down, and as he walked back in to the church office from his car I watched him look over at my truck and my spare tire on the ground. And he never offered aid. Maybe I just grew up in a different environment. If some one needs help, I help, I stopped last week when I saw a car on the side of the road to see if they needed help. But for over an hour there I sat, in the rain ( and shine ) while members of this Super church just watched me struggle with my tire and not once did any one even ask if I needed help... Do they not teach the Good Samaritan lesson any more ? Do they not teach to help your fellow man ? Personally they can keep the Super Church, because in my book they are being taught some Bizarro ways of life. #Superchurchfail #GoodSamaritan #Spartanburg
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:25:35 +0000

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