Helpful tips for people who think they may be annoying: 1.) - TopicsExpress


Helpful tips for people who think they may be annoying: 1.) Dont attempt to dominate everyones attention all of the time. Its not whether you are being paid attention to or not that annoys people, its your bids for attention. Oh, there they go again. *sigh* Yeah... you just keep on talking. 2.) Be honest with the people around you. It doesnt matter if its someone you care about or not, just be honest with people. When you lie, even a little white lie, sometimes it can cause you to lose credibility with people. If you have a large group of friends, somebody somewhere is sharing a story of yours with someone who knows the facts, and that reflects badly on you. (Protip: Once they know you told a lie, theyll spread it around so other members of your network of friends know youre lying to them.) 3.) Not all interactions have to happen on your terms. Be flexible when it comes to change. Groups of friends encompass many different people with different tastes and sometimes people are going to disagree with you or bring up things you do not like. If you dont like something the group is doing, its ok to mention it sometimes, but shutting people down and shutting down a fun time just because it doesnt suit you is extremely rude. Especially if repeated often. Your way is not the best way. 4.) On the complete opposite side of that, if the things you like to do are frequently things the group does not like to do, please do not continuously suggest doing those things. Once you learn someones preferences, try to accommodate that from time to time, and if theyre a good friend they will do the same to you. 5.) Just because you didnt get invited to something, doesnt mean your friends hate you. If everybody is laughing and having a good time at something and you werent invited, odds are you have a lot of friends and you just got unlucky and were the one who got forgotten this time around. This happens to me sometimes, and I try not to be bitter about it because I love my friends and I know if they didnt invite me to something they either need a break from me (which is fine, sometimes people need space. Remember that absence makes the heart grow fonder, whilest familiarity breeds contempt) or they just forgot. Being forgotten can be painful but its not malicious so its easy to forgive. 6.) On the opposite side of THAT, try inviting your friends to more things or try to include them in things on the off chance they might like it, even if you know they are busy or doing something else that day. They may change plans because they like what youre doing more, and even if they dont, by inviting them regardless of their availability you send across the message that they are always welcome and that kind message will strengthen the bond between any friend.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 01:17:53 +0000

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