Helpful to the jury - maybe, maybe not. But liver damage at 17, if - TopicsExpress


Helpful to the jury - maybe, maybe not. But liver damage at 17, if a fact, is something people should know and hopefully use to get past the racial accusations. It is very possible that Trayvon Martin made some bad choices, and did some things that his parents may not even have known about. Having lost some people close to me, I know that what we remember most and first are the good things. At some point though, we have to accept the imperfections as well. Losing a young person is always a tragedy, but two things are still stuck in my mind regarding this case. One is that he was so close to home - if he was truly afraid, why did he not go there? He had plenty of time while Mr Zimmerman lost sight of him. The second thing is that I wonder why he did not simply stop and speak to Mr Zimmerman. It did not have to be at all confrontational. Simply ask if there is a problem, explain that he always used that route/shortcut to go to the store and back to his family home. Mr Zimmerman would have apologized and explained his neighborhood watch position. I truly believe that Trayvon Martin would be alive today. A friend said she worried about her niece and nephew in this environment. I understand her concern. I wish the leaders in a position to make a difference would stop preaching racial and social division. Maybe instead they could benefit all youth by talking about communication skills, civility, the value of a good education and a strong work ethic, not allowing oneself to be influenced by much of the garbage that is called music or video entertainment, and most important self responsibility. Not all of that applies to Trayvon Martin, but all of it is helpful - no matter your age.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 22:45:41 +0000

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