Helping each other as Christ wants us to. The bible says God - TopicsExpress


Helping each other as Christ wants us to. The bible says God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power as he went along doing the good of Christ. I think that when Gods spirit leads I am not focused on what looks good, but on doing good for others. It is so easy for me in my life to say I am to busy. But then I think of how busy my savior was on earth. Wow. He was busy all the time but never to busy to help. The bible teaches of his compassion for us. A Jewish traveler was mugged. A levite and a priest passed by him without slowing down. It took a Samaritan, who were sworn enemies, and stopped to help because he had what????? Compassion. Compassion will make you stop and think and act totally different. If everyone had it we would have what every Ms. America wants hahaha world peace. Haha. Are you willing to have the compassion of Christ?? Drop what ever you are doing, change what ever your plans are, Help someone in need, help someone that is hurting??? Everyone needs to find Compassion and never let it go!!!! Christ has so much for us with his compassion, I certainly am trying to be like him. I fail him daily but his compassion never fails me, his Grace and never fail me eiather. Praise God today for his compassion!!! Ephesians 4:32 niv Be kind and Compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. Lord Jesus, Thank you for your compassion. Thank you for teaching us and leading us for your glory. Lord Jesus thank you for another day to see and enjoy your greatness. Thank for for your forgiveness and the Grace you pour into me. Thank you Lord for the lessons you give us thru your word. Take this clay and mold it to your liking Lord. Lord you know our hearts and our silent prayers to you. Thank you Lord for hearing them and knowing in your time Lord. Lord we pray and stand together in prayer for our sick, our hurting, our healing, our depressed, our addicted and our lost. Our families and friends who have requested prayer and the ones who havent, we stand in the gap for them Lord. Only you have the power to mend all things. Praise be to you Lord Jesus!!!!!!!! Lord be with our children today as they go to school. We lift up all of the teachers and school staff as they lead our children. Lord fill them with your Grace and Compassion today. Keep all of the schools safe and your angels around our children. Lord we Thank you for everything. Keep us all safe and lead our paths today. Light our paths and be our guide. Let us all learn your compassion today and give it to everyone who crosses our path. Thank you Lord Jesus. In your Holy name we pray....
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:03:27 +0000

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