Helping others breathes life into your soul. I was at St. - TopicsExpress


Helping others breathes life into your soul. I was at St. Josephs today for a bone density test. Was on my way to the elevators when an extremely old man who was partly blind and could barely walk was speaking out loud saying, help me, I cant see and I need to find where my appointment is. I was waiting for the elevator doors to open. (Im not the best person to ask for directions, not ashamed to vocalize that.. Hehe!) I said I can help guide you. (Im in a lot of pain today and can barely walk myself) and the man said, youre in just as bad as shape as me. I said, thats ok well hold each other up and make sure we get to where we need to be. He said, youre such a beautiful girl. I said thank you, I get that every now and then. He said, no your outter beauty is very obvious, I nearly melted when I saw that smile. Its what you have so strongly inside of you. I can tell. Do you love Jesus?. Then of course I cried.. I said, yes, yes I do, more and more each day He amazes me and I cant live without Him. He said, dont worry sweet angel, before you know it youre pain will be a distant memory. Dont give up. See how God provided for me today? Your beautiful arms guiding me to safety. Ok... Break time.. Wiping the waterfall of tears.... K.. Back It amazes me daily how God knows everything, and when we need a massive pick me up. Imagine if I allowed my weakness of not doing well with directions hold me back, I would have missed this blessing today. I really wanted to get out of there. (The pain in my body was awful).. But I did it anyways. Its always best to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. The man promised to pray for me and I promised to pray for him. GOD ROCKS!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 18:29:02 +0000

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