Hem Kumar Lohumi Hem Kumar wrote on Anna Hazares - TopicsExpress


Hem Kumar Lohumi Hem Kumar wrote on Anna Hazares timeline. 11:12am You have let us down and disappointed millions who worked day and night for the success of Anti Corruption Movement. Your irresponsible statements are causing a lot of damage to AAPs electoral prospects thus weakening common mans fight against corruption.Advocating party less democracy 60 years after independence and asking Arvind to fight elections as an independent candidate is simply foolishness and a ploy to deny him support. Like · · Unfollow Post · November 20 at 11:22am near Shimla 2 people like this. Vijay Kumar Malhotra WHY SHOULD ANNA HAZARE SUPPORT ARVIND KEJRIWAL, THE MAN RESPONSIBLE FOR WEAKENING THE ANTI CORRUPTION MOVEMENT OF ANNA FOR HIS SELFISH GAINS...NOW DAILY WE ARE SEEING KEJRIWAL BEING EXPOSED BY HIS OWN CLOSE AIDES...EVEN ANNA HAS EXPOSED KEJRIWAL FOR COLLECTING AND MISUSING THE FUNDS OF IAC... November 20 at 3:17pm · Like · 3 Hem Kumar Lohumi Politicians, irrespective of their party affiliations have made it amply clear that a change cant be brought about unless you change the face of the parliament. People badly need a viable political alternative as existing parties are unwilling to do what people want. Anna himself promised an alternative to the people but back tracked subsequently. Anna has been very inconsistent in his views regarding his former associates particularly Arvind Kejiriwal. One day he praises him and calls him an honest man and within hours he questions his integrity. Two days back he said that he had no differences with Arvind and that he and Arvind were following different paths to achieve the same goal but today he has claimed that differences exist between the two. I can understand the wild allegations being levelled against AAP by the Congress and BJP but Anna also lending a helping hand to them is unimaginable. If Anna is not interested in politics it is OK but even if unwittingly he helps Congress,BJP or any other party in the elections he would be undoing his own good work done in the past and we would be fully entitled to call him a VILLAIN. November 20 at 5:47pm · Edited · Like Vijay Kumar Malhotra Hem Kumar Lohumi, now what you have to say on sting operation in which 9 AAP candidates/leaders have been openly shown accepting black money only yesterday including Shazia and Kumar Biswas...This, added by a SMS message from Kejriwal admitting he has sold Badarpur seat for 2 crores, has fully exposed AAP and I think no sensible person will now vote for AAP...Atleast I have taken a decision not to vote for AAP...Even one national office bearer of AAP, some Sen Gupta has also resigned from AAP party only yesterday...MODI IS THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE LEFT NOW...JAGO PYARE JAGO... 2 hours ago · Like · 2 Parveen Chopra AAP is alternate for giving new faces and idea in Delhi . No threat at national level for Modi . Vijay Kumar Malhotra G remaining loyal for B J P is admirable , which one should . Bhai Sahab AAP is party not individual to reject on present expose . It may be a trick by trickster . You know well , old KHURANTS who are in politics as their profession and waiting for their chance and those in power want to retain . 43 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 Hem Kumar Lohumi Malhotraji, I respect your views and like the popular mood prevailing in the country am also keen to see the back of UPA Government. With the 2014 general elections round the corner AAP is unlikely to be a serious contender for power. The BJP, in the absence of a viable and better alternative, is most likely to grab a big chunk of the negative votes. But all I can see is that AAP is causing sleepless nights to both BJP & Congress.Backed by powerful and corrupt forces these two national parties are trying every thing to harm and defame Kejiriwal and his party. I may also point out that violating the countrys laid down laws is one thing while failure to adhere to certain SELF IMPOSED restrictions quite another. Even if the charges levelled against AAP, which I believe are not true,are found to carry some substance,the party could at most be blamed for violating its own code of conduct.May I remind you that you are citing sting operations to bring your point home and yet vouching for a party which had stalwarts like Bangaru Laxman, Suresh chandel and Judev etc amongst its ranks. 5 minutes ago · Like
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:15:37 +0000

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