Henry Efe Duku wrote: APC in DELTA MUST NOT MISTAKE OUR - TopicsExpress


Henry Efe Duku wrote: APC in DELTA MUST NOT MISTAKE OUR CIVILITY FOR WEAKNESS - Being the key message in my interview with journalists today. Question: Otega stated during his chat with UPU Youth Wing that Chief Ogboru is the greatest threat to the Urhobo 2015 gubernatorial quest because he is running in a platform that cannot match the PDP. What is your take on this? Answer: Our leader, the Peoples General is an advocate of responsible political leadership. That is why our people hold Chief Great Ogboru in very high esteem. Responsible leaders carefully weigh and guard their utterances. Desperate politicians do not. You can easily identify them by their utterances. They can say anything, threaten to do or even sometimes do anything in the name of politics. Very unfortunate. While responsible leaders are concerned with how to make life better for the people, desperate politicians are preoccupied with how to kill their own people in the name of dirty, violent politics. On your specific question, we shall not say much because we prefer to believe that the respected Olorogun did not make such a statement. Suffice to say, that he has contested on the APC platform against PDP before and we all know the outcome. Did APC match the PDP in that election? For clarity, when he contested for the Senate in 2013, he scored just about 29,000 votes in the entire Urhoboland. On the other hand, even with massive rigging by the PDP, Chief Ogboru still scored about 300,000 votes in that same Urhoboland in the 2011 Governorship Election. That should give you a clear insight into what real political strength means. It is beyond empty talk. Parties are abstract entities. Leaders give them life. So if you are in a bloated party where human leadership is absent you are wasting peoples time. DPP did wonder because of the Ogboru brand name not because of its size. And let me say this. It is actually extremely irresponsible for anyone to think, suggest or say that Chief Ogboru is a threat to Urhobo or any ethnic group for that matter. We are not going to accept that from anyone. There has to be limits to propaganda. Is APC sincere at all? We dont even want to talk about what happened to the election petition they filed after the senatorial bye-election. Was it filed in good faith against the Distinguished Senator or done to get some undue credibility? Why was it withdrawn? What happened? Look, it takes character to build trust. Dont allow people with fake, plastic ambition sponsored by a London prisoner through an emperor in Lagos to come and deceive you. Their grand plot is to distabilise Ogboru by splitting Urhobo votes. They know they cannot win. They know they are not sincere. They know we know they are being sponsored. If we were to tell you about their plot, our people will chase them out with stones. They are worse than PDP. We are more sophisticated than all that rubbish. Furthermore, it is a mere fantasy to deceitfully assume that APC will win in this our Delta State. That is a reckless assumption. Look at the entire South-South and South-East, have you seen any major politician move into the APC of late? They are all coming to Labour Party. Cross Rivers and Ebonyi States are recent examples. You must ask yourself, Why?. To answer that question, you have to think deeply. Politics must go beyond lies and deceit in order to be meaningful to society. And so all these loose talks, rumours and empty boasts about a man having the capacity to recruit a private army to win this election is just mere fantasy. It is either you have what it takes or you dont have it. Simple. Those brainwashing the people about their capacity to raise some so-called private armies know that they cannot win any election with violence or without violence. They are just balloons. It take a little pin to deflate them. The hearts of the people are not with them. They must stop telling our people such hogwash. Very importantly, you sure need more than Urhobo votes to win in this election. Who has the name recognition to open the doors of other ethnic groups? With all sense of responsibility and modesty, the Ogboru brand name still holds the ace. It is the key to good governance in Delta. It is a different kettle of fish if that name GREAT OVEDJE OGBORU is on the ballot. When OGBORU is contesting our people see his brand name as the party. Even kindergartens know that in a free and fair election Ogboru will get not less than 90% of the votes. But then, elections are hardly free and fair and we know it. To that extent, we are totally ready for this election. That is why our campaign theme says, 2015: MOMENT OF DECISION. We are very restrained in joining issues with anyone. We also think that measure of discipline and respect should be reciprocated. We may be compelled to unleash the fullness of our media strength if erratic media diatribes against Chief Ogboru become the essence of anyones campaign. They sure know what we can do. We are not going to take prisoners or let issues lie low going forward. We shall come out blazing and blaring against deceits, lies, and empty threats no matter where it comes from. So, let them know that our strategic calmness is no weakness at all.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:46:46 +0000

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