Her Plans Part 1 Her Plans Cassandra Lynn! Get your ass - TopicsExpress


Her Plans Part 1 Her Plans Cassandra Lynn! Get your ass ready for school! Renee Williams yelled at her only daughter. Im coming mom! Cassie hurried around her room, trying to find the shoe that matched the one already on her foot. She searched everywhere, unable to find the missing footwear. Ugh! Mom! My shoe is missing! Then wear another pair! Renee offered. She shook her head at her child. Youre going to be late! Lets go! Cassie quickly found the other shoes and ran out the door. Renee breathed a sigh of relief as she watched her run to the bus stop. Being a single mother to a thirteen year old daughter wasnt an easy task. Cassies father walked out on her when their daughter was only six months old. He had said he needed to find himself and never came back. This left Renee with the baby, mortgage payments and other bills. For months, the bills piled up, with no end in sight. She felt overwhelmed all the time and the stress was unbearable. Renee was working two jobs, trying to make ends meet but, it didnt happen. Eventually, they lost everything, forcing the duo to move in with Renees parents. At first, the new living situation worked well. Renee didnt have a need for a second job and her mother and father loved being able to spend endless amounts of time with their granddaughter. Cassies grades improved, as did her moods, thanks to the lax environment. For a year, all was well. October 7th, Renee got a phone call at work. Her mother had fallen down the stairs and was rushed to the hospital. Renee raced to Mercy General to find that Bernadette Williams had hit her head and fallen in to a coma. George Williams was there to console his youngest child as she sobbed uncontrollably. Her older brothers, Jeff and John, were on their way to the hospital from the southern half of Virginia. Renee wasnt sure what to do as she held her father tight. Three hours later, she sat at her mothers bedside, willing her to wake up. Between gasps for air, Renee would talk to Bernie, rubbing her hand and caressing her face. The door to the private room opened, revealing her older twin brothers. She ran to them and the three hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Renee was on the verge of a panic attack when the group of doctors charged with her mothers care strolled in. The somber looks on their faces told her what was to come wouldnt be good news. The family sat around Bernies bedside, holding hands and fighting back their tears. Mister Williams, Renee, Jack, John, the older doctor said compassionately, it doesnt look good. The fall caused an aneurism and we cant control the bleeding. Renee held her breath and gripped Jacks hand until her knuckled were white as the younger female doctor took her turn speaking. I know this is hard to hear. We are trying our best. We have weighed the pros and cons of performing surgery on your mother, she said, looking at the trio of sibling, because its such a delicate procedure, we dont believe shell survive it. Our best hope for recovery is if we let her body heal itself. We have started her on a clotting medicine with the hopes itll help stop the bleeding. It isnt without risk, though. Stroke is another concern we have. The doctor finished her speech, allowing time for everyone to ask questions. What are her chances of survival at this point? George asked. He looked down lovingly at his wife. They had been married for 42 years at this point. Since college, the two have been inseparable. He was scared of what was to come. He couldnt bare the thought of losing his wife, sidekick, lover and best friend. He wondered what he would do without her. How he could function. She was his livelihood and he didnt want to lose her. The older doctor, who was the head of neurosurgery, stepped forward before answering Georges question. He glanced down in to the senior mans eyes. Honestly, were not very optimistic. She hasnt responded to any therapy we have tried and if she doesnt soon, well, the outlook is grim. Im sorry. I wish I had better news. I dont want to fill you and your children with false hope. With that answer, the doctor and his interns left the room after reassuring the Williams that they were trying everything they could to save Bernie. ~Skye
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:59:41 +0000

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