Her Secret Past CHAPTER 11 D-Day Part 3 After driving - TopicsExpress


Her Secret Past CHAPTER 11 D-Day Part 3 After driving around for a couple of hours, Macy goes back to Abes house. She walks in to a quiet house. She goes into the guest room and finds Malcolm and Marly laying in bed watching a movie. Marly looks up to see her mom and grins. Macy smiles and lays down next to Marly. Malcolm looks over at his wife and runs his fingers through her hair. Macy leans over and kisses him. You and Marlena have a nice chat?, questions Malcolm. Yeah, everything is good, responds Macy. Thats good. Celeste made dinner already. We fixed you a plate. Its in the oven, says Malcolm. Okay thank you. Have you had your bath yet?, questions Macy to Marly. No maam. Daddy said after the movie, responds Marly. Well I know for a fact that this is a long movie, and its 9:00 p.m. So its bath time now and then bed, says a stern Macy. I told you daddy that mommy would say that, says Marly. Yeah you did sweetheart. Mommy always comes through, says Malcolm jokingly. Macy cracks a smile. Oh you two think you are so funny, but I dont find any of it humorous, says Macy tickling Marly. Marly is cracking up laughing. Come on little girl, lets go run your bath water. And you? Ill be back, says Macy pointing at Malcolm. Will I be punished?, asks Malcolm. Macy looks back at him and winks her eye. Malcolm waves his hands in the air and smiles. Macy shakes her head and goes to the bathroom. A few hours later after getting Marly to sleep and play fighting with her husband, Macy goes into the kitchen to finally face her next task. She walks in to find her dad sitting at the table looking through his high school yearbook. The room was full of silence between them, as Macy maneuvered around the kitchen fixing her food and her chamomile tea. Marcus sipped his coffee and waited for Macy to sit down. After about twenty minutes, Macy was seated in front of her dad quietly eating. Marcus looked at her with a concerned look. He watched her picking at her food. He looked at her left hand and noticed that she had it balled into a fist. There was only one other person that does that, and Macy hadnt too long left her. He finally decided to break the silence. So I see that you found my old yearbook, says Marcus. Never looking up, Macy responds, Yes sir. It was in a box in the basement. I thought you probably needed to see it. You know to look back at all the old memories that you never talk about. Clearing his throat, Marcus turns back to his and Marlenas prom picture. He looks at it a moment. It wasnt an easy thing for her to do, Macy. She never wanted to make that decision, says Marcus taking up for Marlena. Did she call you or something?, questions Macy. No she hasnt. I hope you werent too hard on her, says Marcus. Macy dropped her fork on her plate and sat back in the chair. She folded her arms and looked at her dad. Really? Now you want to defend her. You two must have come up with a game plan for this day a long time ago, says an aggravated Macy. No we didnt, but we did say that we would help you through it, answers Marcus. Help me through what? Like I told her, Im done with it. Im going on with my life without her, says Macy. Macy, please tell me that you didnt tell her that?, asks Marcus. I did and I mean it. I would do you the same way, but I cant seem to avoid you or stay mad at you, says Macy. Macy, Im just as guilty as Marlena is for not telling you. We both made that decision. We knew the risk that we were taking. We just didnt want you in harms way, explains Marcus. Daddy, I was never in harms way. Nobody was ever after me. They were after her, but one day that stopped. Someone should have told me then. I shouldnt have had to find out the hard way and on my own. That wasnt fair, scolds Macy. I know and we both are very sorry for that. We thought we were doing the right thing. Your mother loved you that much to risk lying to you, states Marcus. Theres nothing that either of you can say to convince me to change how I feel right now. Dad, there were too many opportunities for her to tell me. Honestly, do you think she would have told me if I hadnt said anything?, questions Macy. We talked about it recently, but we decided against it. We didnt want to upset you with your situation and all, says Marcus. So my illness stopped you two from telling me the truth. What would have been the next thing to stop you two? I truly believe that you two would have took your little secret to your graves. No one would have ever known the truth. Which is so wrong, says Macy while drinking her tea. Your right, Macy. If necessary, we probably would have done that. Now its out and we have to deal with it the right way. All three of us, says Marcus. Macy shrugs her shoulders. You mean you two. I told you Im done with it. Ive already told Marlena how I want things. I dont want to talk about this or deal with it. Besides you two are the ones who need to talk anyway, says Macy. Why do you say that?, asks Marcus. First, you can tell Marlena that Eric does know about my paternity. I confided in him when I found out. Hes upset that she never said anything. Also, everyone in this town all believe that I am her niece and that you dated her sister. So imagine, what John, Roman, and your lawyer Don Craig are going to think. I mean Im pretty sure that she doesnt know that you and her ex-hubby are good buddies, and that you and Beverly are divorcing. By the sound of things, you and Marlena have some unfinished business, says Macy. Im sure that Marlena will figure out how to tell them about everything. No, she doesnt know about the divorce or that Don and I are friends. As far as unfinished business, we dont have any. Marlena and I let all that go when she left Boulder, says Marcus. Macy looks at her dad with an astonished look. Really dad? You two let everything go back then. Well heres a little secret of my own for you. I know that you and Marlena had an affair after her marriage to Roman ended. She couldnt have John nor get her husband back. So she rewind the clock and went after her first love instead, says Macy. Marcus looking like a deer caught in head lights says, Macy, how do you know about that? I was the one who put Marlenas earring on your dresser. I found it under your couch. I guess my college graduation, your apartment, and your separation from Beverly at the time came in handy that weekend. You and Marlena had some time to make some new memories. I was wondering why she left so abruptly that weekend. I got my answer when I found her earring and your torn shirt button on the floor. What I couldnt figure out was how in the world could you two hook up? For a long time, I thought that you two probably had too much to drink or something. I never would have guessed otherwise. So while you two are getting your own problems in check, I will be happily dealing with my own, says Macy getting up from the table. Macy, things are not as they seem. Marlena and I have been over for a very long time, and you do have to deal with the idea that she is your mother, says Marcus. Macy puts the dishes in the dishwasher and walks over to the kitchen door. She stops and looks at her dad. She says, No daddy I dont. My mom Samantha is gone and my other mom Beverly is in Boulder. Marlena will continue to be my aunt. All she did was birth me into this world. End of story! Macy then storms out of the kitchen, leaving Marcus to ponder over the latest events now taking place.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:38:57 +0000

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