Her Secret Past CHAPTER 7 A New Turn of Events Part 2 - TopicsExpress


Her Secret Past CHAPTER 7 A New Turn of Events Part 2 Back inside the hospital, Marcus and Marlena walk back in together and go to a nearby corner. John is sitting in the waiting area with everyone else, and sees them. He feels sorry for Marlena and Marcus. He watches their interactions with each other. He knows that Marcus dated Samantha, and that Marcus and Marlena are good friends. Knowing all that, he still cant shake the feeling that hes missing something here. That there is something that he should know. He watches as Marlena leans her head on Marcuss shoulder and how Marcus wraps his arm around her. Marlena is crying. John can tell that. Marcus whispers something to her, and Marlena nods her head. John wants to get up and go over to them, but his body wont move. He feels himself beginning to feel jealous of their connection. The pit of his stomach beginning to boil. Calm down man. They are old friends. Hes just comforting her. No reason to be jealous, thinks John. He looks over to Beverly and shes watching them as well. John cant read her expression. He cant tell whether shes angry or sad for them. John looks back to see Marlena making her way towards him. Shes visibly upset. John removes a magazine from the chair next to him for her to sit. Marlena sits down beside him and just looks down at her lap. John puts his arm around her and pulls her to him. Marlena leans on him and breaks down. John now clearly knows that this situation is harder on her than he first thought. Hey baby, its going to be alright. Macys going to be fine. You just wait and see, says John quietly. Marlena doesnt respond, but instead just tries to stop the tears. Unable to find the words to even speak, she instead takes deep breaths to calm herself down. In her mind, shes thinking a million things that she wishes she could change right now. She looks over at Beverly and is reminded of her past life. How she gave up Marcus instead of fighting harder to get him back. How Beverly ended up with her family, and all the dreams that Marlena thought she would have had with Marcus and Macy. Realizing who she was still sitting by, Marlena shook the thoughts from her mind and got herself together. She sat back up straight in the chair and grabbed Johns hand. We need to talk honey, says Marlena quietly. John nods his head, and they get up and walk towards the elevators. Marlena decides that if she is going to be honest about her past, then she should do it in a quiet place. Her office was the best place. As they wait for the elevator, Kayla comes out of Macys room and lets them all know that Macy is awake. Marlena, she asked for you first. She wants to see you alone, says Kayla. Marlena turns around and nods her head. Ill be out here when your done, says John as he kisses her on the cheek. Marlena barely smiles and says, Okay. She walks toward Macys room and then stops. She had that bad sinking feeling again that she felt when that box fell over yesterday. She shook it off and went in. Macy was sitting up taking in oxygen through her nose. She had an IV and another machine pumping antibiotics into her. It almost made Marlena sick to see her daughter like this. She knew she had to keep her emotions in check, and not let on that she was Macys mother. She just couldnt do that right now. Macy opened her eyes to see Marlena standing beside her. She cracked a smile and motioned for Marlena to sit on the bed next to her. Marlena sits down and grabs Macys hand. So I realize now that Ive been caught, that I am possibly in trouble, says Macy sarcastically. Marlena laughs softly and cant help but smile. Macys nonchalant attitude always made Marlena laugh. She often wondered where Macy got that from. Yes young lady, you are. First off, how are you feeling?, asks Marlena. Macy adjusts herself in the bed. Im fine, Aunt Marlena. Ive got a small headache, but Im alright, replies Macy. Oh baby. I wish you would have told me when you found out. I could have helped in some way, says Marlena. Why? So you can worry like your doing right now. Uhm, Im good on that one. No thank you, says Macy. They both laugh. Besides, there was nothing to do in the beginning. I was fine until after my pregnancy. I knew the repercussions of getting pregnant, but I dont regret my little girl for anything in the world, replies Macy. I know you dont honey. Shes your whole world. If you didnt have her, then I still wouldnt have a namesake, says Marlena playfully. Right. Now see, theres a reason for everything. Im just grateful to have her and Malcolm. Theyre my world, says Macy. Marlena nods her head and then begins to look off. Macy watches her expression. Alright auntie, dont start that, says Macy. Start what?, asks Marlena as her voice begins to crack. That! The tears. You know I dont like it when you get all emotional on me. Youll start crying, and then Ill start crying. We both know you are the better crier. How do you cry so beautifully anyway?, questions Macy. Marlena starts laughing. It never fails. You always ask that, says Marlena wiping her eyes. Well you always do that. I know laughter is the only thing that stops you from crying, says Macy. Marlena smiles and says, Well thank you sweetie, but now back to you. I know you need a kidney transplant. Colorado has some of the best facilities. So why Salem? Well I figured that this was the best place. Momma had her transplant done here. All of my family is here too. Sami, Eric, and you have all been begging me to come here for so long. So here I am, says Macy. This hospital is good. Yes, we have been trying to get you here for awhile, says Marlena. Besides, Aunt Lexie insisted that I come here and receive treatment too. She recommended Dr. Johnson for me, and Dr. Curtis as a consultant, says Macy. Dr. Neil Curtis?, asks Marlena. Yes. The same doctor mom had, says Macy. Wow. Thats right. Neils a wonderful doctor and a great colleague, says Marlena. He told me that you two knew each other. He spoke very highly of you, says Macy. Hes a great man. Now lets rewind for a minute. Lexie recommended that you come here?, says Marlena. Macy rolls her eyes and smiles. Before you get started on me, grandma told her about my illness. I didnt want her to know either until I came here. Unfortunately she found out about my illness, at the same time that I found out about hers. I still cant believe shes gone. Its strange being in her home, and shes not there, says Macy somberly. Marlena leans forward to wipe the small tear from Macys eye, then touches the side of her cheek. Sweetie, its still hard for us all. I know how much you loved your Aunt Lexie, says Marlena. Its hard, because now Ive lost her and momma. Your all that have I left, besides grandma. You two dont have any underlying illnesses that I need to know about, do you?, says Macy jokingly. No honey, I think were both okay, says Marlena. Okay, just checking. A girl never knows these days, says Macy. Just then theres a knock on the door, and Marly comes walking in. Mommy!, says Marly. Hey baby girl, says Macy. Marlena helps her onto the bed. Macy and Marly hug. Ooh, I so needed that, says Macy then kissing her little girl on her forehead. Mommy, you scared us. I thought you werent going to wake up, says Marly tearfully. Macy looks at her sadly. Baby, Im not going anywhere. Mommy just got a little sick again for a minute, but Im going to be okay, says Macy trying to sound hopeful. You promise?, asks Marly. Yes baby. I promise, says Macy while hugging her again. Ill come back later and check on you. Im pretty sure everyone else is ready to see you too, says Marlena. Macy nods her head and Marlena excuses herself out of the room. Once outside of the room and out of everyone elses sight, Marlena is overcome with emotion and breaks down. Later on back at the townhouse, Marlena is in the bedroom getting ready for bed, and John is in the living room finishing some business for Basic Black. As he wraps up his phone call, he starts thinking about Marlenas behavior since hearing about Macy. Her whole demeanor changed. Shes been extremely quiet, and barely ate anything at the Pub. She seemed distant now. He goes into the bedroom and finds her pulling back the covers. Her face still red and swollen from crying earlier. She picks up the alarm clock and sets it for 8 a.m. John goes over to the dresser and pulls out his pajamas. He looks back at his wife. She either clearly doesnt realize that hes in the room, or shes just that lost in her thoughts. Marlena climbs into bed, gets comfortable, and then finally looks up to see John staring at her strangely. What?, says Marlena quietly. What?, says John. Your staring at me, says Marlena. Im just checking to see if youre okay. You havent said a word since the hospital, says John. Marlena looking away, realizing that she did shut down on her husband. Im sorry. I didnt mean to do that. I just got so overwhelmed with Macys news. Im just trying to deal with it, says Marlena. John walks over to her side of the bed and sits down next to her on the bed. Baby, I know its hard news to take, but Macy needs you to be strong for her, says John. Marlena reaches for Johns hand and kisses it. I know. Im trying to be. Its just seeing her last night up there singing and dancing, and now to see her in her condition. It scares me. I havent been this scared since Sam went through this. I couldnt do anything then, and I still cant do anything now, says Marlena starting to feel angry. Doc, what is it that you think that you can do? She needs a donor, asks John. Exactly. I should be able to be her donor, but I cant. I couldnt do it for Sam either, says Marlena. If you could do it, then I know you would. You cant honey. So now youve got to think of other options for her, says John. Just being there isnt good enough. Her condition isnt good. I had to sit there and listen to her tell her daughter that shes going to be okay. Do you know how hard that is, especially when your not sure if everything is okay? My heart breaks for her right now, says Marlena. John holds on to his wife and tries to comfort her. He knows that right now Marlena is not willing to hear anything. He knows that her mind is shifting back to her sisters illness, and she is scared to death that she could lose her niece. He decides to table the subject for tonight. He lays her down and pulls the covers up on her. He lays down next to her, and wraps his arms around her. Marlena closes her eyes and attempts to fall asleep.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:08:59 +0000

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