Her body tossed and turned, sweat poured from her face her - TopicsExpress


Her body tossed and turned, sweat poured from her face her breathing heavy from what she was experiencing. She was in the stage of a deep sleep, and in a dream that felt all too familiar. The blue tented darkness that surrounded her, the Gothic cathedral church....the coffin. Hearing the mourns once again, but they were only mere echos in her mind as she walked down the long isle. Blinking her eyes she was back in the presence of the being Death had once sent after her disobedience. My child we meet again, yes what you are in is a dream, I control them at least if they are this deep in your mind I do. I chose this so that youd be familiar with me, my world you know is much more darker then this. His voice was so demonic, she could feel the darkness come off him in waves. The deep tone to his voice echoed as if another voice where with him. I never intended to meet with you until now, you have questioned your mind, your sanity, wondering what lies beneath you. My child, you have so much to offer many worlds, the darkness I gave you can be added to others. Allow that to surface, youll have so much to offer. Cathleen wanted to run but yet part of her wanted to stay, that part of her was none only then what he put in her to emerge from the depths of her soul. She was tainted with hells fury, and its darkness. Cathleen knew of so many demons it was unreal. After all for the longest she was protected by Satans first legions, the ones that were again trying to lure her back in to the abyss. What she didnt understand was how was goodness still in her, was this a fight to see which side would win? Good verses evil? Looking back to this shadowed demon and into what would have been a face, was only a white misted swirl. What was he hiding, and why from her if he was the one that tainted her again with hells darkness. Cathleen felt her neck pop as it twisted in an unnatural way and a sinister grin curled the corners of her lips. Ahhh, there there, now she comes to life. The demon spoke back to her. We sent you back to earth for our own reasons, only in time will they be reviled to you, and maybe by one of our own. Purgatory, and hell are almost one in the same, all dark creatures are sent to both places, but there are many portals, many voids, that beings travel from. Cathleen could feel the darkness take over her body, the strength that it gave her, it was as if she were a snake that shed its skin. Forbidden fruit she was, a succubus, a seductress. Her body had developed well enough to them to let her free from their grasp. She was no longer in the same vessel she once was in, but a new one. Each curve of her body, her long red fiery like hair, her full lips, all of it was built for a reason, she was their creation, and it had been complete. Then again why did she had the goodness still in her, why was it almost like a losing uphill battle? Did heaven have some hold on her that was trying to sway her back? When I turned you and gave you your blood lust, we made sure you didnt just feed from humans, but every race known out there. Your body may be weakened from some of it, and again it may give it strength, depends on the being you feed from. There are very very few beings that when you feed, their darkness gets transferred into you, it may not be until you feed from them several times till their own darkness mixes within your own and creates a lovely being. She listened to him and found the new information to be helpful, it explained why she was drawn to so many and their own darkness that lied to them. Cathleen could feel her body shake and tremble all at once as her surroundings around her felt every thing as if it were on rewind. Then she was in pitch black darkness, her eyes shot open as she jolted up gasping for breath, but she could feel the same as in her dream. She was beginning to think she wasnt just a vampire, but a demon as well. Why else would one visit her in her dreams, and Death made him turn her? Her questions had now been answered, now the choice was hers. Who or what would tap into the darkness and purge it from her soul to bring it out of her letting her embrace it? Or was it simply just a matter of time she purged it herself?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:39:56 +0000

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