Heracles of Greek Mythology Is None Other Than Krishna? - TopicsExpress


Heracles of Greek Mythology Is None Other Than Krishna? Quintus Curtius Referred Lord Krishna as Heracles Quintus Curtius, a Roman historian, also mentions that when Alexander the Great confronted Porus (The Greek name for Indian King Puru), Porus soldiers were carrying an image of Heracles in their vanguard. It is to be noted, Porus soldiers were followers of lord Krishna and used to read Bhagavad Gita for motivation before going to any war. Greek scholar Seleucus Referred Lord Krishna as Heracles Greek scholar Seleucus states that the city Polibrotha (Pataliputra or Patna) was founded by Heracles, 138 generations before the reign of King Sandrocottas (The Greek name for Chandragupta Maurya) Above information helps us calculating the tentative time period of Lord Krishna. Most scholars have assumed the ruling span of each King in those times to be somewhere around 20-25 years. The 138 generations would then give us almost 3000 years between Heracles and Chandragupta Maurya giving the time of Lord Krishna somewhere close to 3300 BCE. Similarities In Wonders of Heracles And Lord Krishna Now, coming into the similarities between the two, Heracles and Lord Krishna did many wonders. The 12 labors of Heracles look reflection of miracles performed by lord Krishna. Heracles Fighting With Serpentine Hydra and Lord Krishna Defeating Serpent Kaliya Lord Krishna didnt kill Kalingarayan (Serpent kaliya), instead he asked him to leave the Yamuna river and go away from Brindavan. Simialrly, Heracles did not kill Serpent hydra, he only placed a huge stone over his head. - .............to be continued
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:24:29 +0000

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