Here I go. Sorry folks but I have to do it. Our US Attorney - TopicsExpress


Here I go. Sorry folks but I have to do it. Our US Attorney General drops in on Ferguson, Missouri. Site of the alleged gunning down of an unarmed black teen. Holder mentions how he was pulled over twice on the NJ turnpike for speeding and how it humiliated him. Asserting it was done so because of his race. His agenda is to stoke the fires of racial divide in a case that has not an inkling of racism. Imagine youre a police officer. Two people are walking down the middle of the road. You instruct them to use the sidewalk. A man, 64, 300lbs, slams you against the car as you open the door. Punches you repeatedly in the face, breaking facial bones. You are semi conscious as the man grabs for your holstered gun. The struggle causes the gun to go off. Perhaps the man runs at this point. You groggily order the man to, Stop, or Ill shoot. The man turns and rushes at you. Perhaps with your facial injuries you cant see well. The man is rushing at you. You fire your weapon, the man does not stop. You can only assume hes coming to finish you off. You shoot until the man is down. This officer did nothing wrong. He wanted to see his family at the end of his shift. If the above turns out to be the truth, what will the race baiters and the black community do? The rioters will return , Sharpton and company will not allow FACTS to deter their agenda. I pray the facts come out and all realize officer Wilson feared for his life. Not because this man was black. But because this man beat him and was approaching the officer even with his gun drawn.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:06:28 +0000

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