Here I stood, upon HMS Courageous, a training officer who owned - TopicsExpress


Here I stood, upon HMS Courageous, a training officer who owned three of the guns on board. I knew that if I did not do my job properly, the next person could take what chance I had of making a living, and for someone like me... Without this, I would never get a husband, or someone who could depend on me for money, so quite literally, this was my last hope of all of that - of a life no less. I was the eighteen year old who had only gotten into sailing when she was sixteen, had exceptional sword and pistol skills, and naturally, people followed me for I was liked and respectable. My sailing skills werent that great, considering the time I had been using to train myself it wasnt THAT bad, and my wealth was an absolute minimum - so much for family connections. Even so, I could operate a cannon with relative ease. My skills were what made me - I was not too knowledgable though I followed a code of honour - one which many sailors took as they began their training. My name is Anne Symon, and this is my story - whats of it anyways. Making sure the three sailors on the three guns of the ship were staying on the job and not slacking, I called to them the procedure of loading the gun. Swab! Powder! Wadding! Clear! Shot! Almost directly after I had ordered this, the cannons beside me went off, sending a thick rope right toward my feet. I managed to jump over it, with my fighting skills this was one of the essential skills in it all - so that you dont lose your feet. Fire as they may bear! The captain of the ship ordered, and I ordered my crew to start loading the guns and firing them, the batteries sure were fine pieces of work, though it would take more than these cannons to take the enemy - a Gaulish Frigate, something we could easily take with the Courageous. I continued my call, as our guns fired, the ringing in our ears became apparent, even though we were fairly used to it. Though, as the white smoke left the barrels, and in the middle of swabbing out one of the cannons, a ball of iron tore through the hull not ten feet away as the frigate gave us a full broadside. I heard a scream, as one had fallen overboard. Still, that was the least of my problems, as I spotted a giant splinter tear through Davies, a woman under my command, and the fragmentation of the cannon ball nearby tore through Fishers right arm, another woman under my command, bone clearly visible and she shrieked from the pain of it all. I cringed lightly, before Jones pulled me together and took my shoulders. Anne! Anne! What will we do?! We have to tend to their injuries! To hell with the guns! She was talking sense, I knew it, and as much as I wanted to get back to the action - those who served under me had the reassurance that theyd get through this alive, so I personally tended to their wounds. There was no denying, that I was a leader. I did not care how bloodied I got, I had to make sure my crew made it through no matter what. The battle between battleship and frigate ensues around me, as I run to Davies and Fisher. Their wounds were bad, I feared that they might die - but I had to do as much as I could. Taking out a first aid kit, I prepare some bandage, and tightly bandage them both up with the help of Jones. I knew that if they had any chance of surviving, it was with me and my initiative. After taking them down to the cockpit, for the surgeon to work on them, I return to the deck. My lieutenant wasnt impressed, a frown upon his features, but I really had no choice. Even though I was working under him, I knew he did not have the commitment I had for my crew. With a sigh, I simply place my hands behind my head, and then get back into the action before me. While I was two down, another two had come to replace them, and now we simply had to load the guns and fire. Swab the bore! I call, and before long the gun is loaded, powder ready to fire. The cannon was rolled out, before the fuse was lit, and I flinch as the fuse reaches the end of the line, expecting the loud explosion to take place, though the cannon does not fire. I run to the gun, and as I do, a splinter slices a small cut into my left cheek, though it does not faze me enough to panic about it. The gun had already received the powder, and by swabbing the bore, it had become wet and unable to fire. I order my crew to clean the barrel manually, which takes a few minutes at best, but afterwards it was smooth sailing for my gunnery crew! The battle rages on, and after three long hours, the Gauls finally gave their game up. I sighed with relief, as my commanding officer calls us over. Well done, you have done Albion well. Now, we must board their ship, and execute those who will not cooperate. Understood? While the order was fair enough, I felt a little off about it. Execute them? What were they? A different species? Regardless, I knew I couldnt bring myself to do that. With a gulp, I board the frigate, before walking over to their crew, a few of our own sailors were talking to them. We will never give our lives to you as slaves! We would rather die now! The Gaulish captain called, and the first thing I could think of doing was talking this through, before the inevitable happened - Jones ran her blade across her throat, though it was not a deep cut, the captain of the enemy was to fall eventually. My eyes widened, witnessing the sight of blood, lots of blood, too much blood. I couldnt handle it. I screamed. Symon! Whats with you?! The lieutenant walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder, though I did not look at him. Instead, I drew my blade and tried to take him. He overpowered me almost instantly, and I stood there helplessly, my weapon in half, and I dropped the rest of the sword so that it took the attention of everyone present. Even the Gaulish prisoners saw my bravery, to try and take a stand. They soon conformed, though not without readjusting their beliefs. Maybe their captain was as crazy as my lieutenant. S-sir... H-how can you just... D-do this?! What authority do you have here?! The tears stained my bloodied cheeks, bloodied from tending to Davies and Fisher, and before long I was escorted back onto the Courageous, comforted by Madame Mason. She was a fine sailor, much finer than I, though she seemed so calm around the events happening around us. Before long, I sat upon the deck, alone, as the sun set in the distance. A call from another midshipwoman focuses my gaze on the rum I had been drinking, though I listened to her. Captains compliments, youve been ordered to the quarterdeck. I nod afterwards, before hauling myself up - the image of the Gaulish captain and her bleeding throat still burned into my mind as if it were permanent, that no amount of amnesia would rid it from me. With a sigh, I reach the quarterdeck, before saluting. Maam, you called me here? I inquire, before lowering my arm to my side, my gloved hand curling a little. I still had not cleaned up from the battle, though I could as soon as I could. Straightening my posture and my clothing somewhat, I simply wanted to make sure I wasnt that trashy in appearance. Madam Symon! The captain looked over at me, as did her subordinates. I gulp lightly, before looking down to my side. I honestly felt a bit too groggy - hopefully they didnt expect me to recite the Bible or something ridiculous. Im rating you as an acting-lieutenant. Take a section of twenty women across to the prize and assume command. Make any necessary repairs and set sail for any Albionish port. Aye aye, maam! Thank you, maam! I bow slightly before leaving, smiling slightly as if to make sure that they did not ask about my near miss with the lieutenant. I had retrieved my twenty women, ten of them the Gaulish hostages, before going over to the frigate of which I would command. It was an honour, but the stain of blood from the Gaulish captain still haunted me as I looked at it - it was wiped over, but it was not cleared and cleaned. I gulp once more, before assigning my crew to their respective positions. The Gauls, while being the enemy, were fairly cooperative with me, I had my bravery to thank for that. As I settle myself down, Madam Bryce, the second lieutenant greeted me. Well, well, well! Acting-Lieutenant Symon! She says, grinning widely before she slaps me on the back, much to my own surprise. I stiffen my upper lip, just to cut the nerves for now. I know youll do smashingly with your first command; I have the utmost confidence in you! Thank you, maam, I reply, touching my hat in salute. Just at that moment, first lieutenant Pigot rounds the corner, her older features prominent, an aged face was evident. Madam Symon, She remarks, somewhat stiffly, though I could not blame her. She was eyeing me keenly as I pulled my sword on the lieutenant. Fine piece of luck youve had. Pigot, with over twenty-five years experience, is by far the most senior lieutenant on board--perhaps in the whole fleet--but its not to her credit. Shes too incompetent to earn a promotion to commander; shes watched countless younger, more competent lieutenants pass her by, while she racks up years of valuable experience. All she has to show for it is the power to boss the other lieutenants around imperiously, and she rarely misses an opportunity. Luck has not a bit to do with it, I say! Bryce counters cheerfully. Well, go on then! You now are one of the leaders of the ship, feel proud! Aye, but it would be better to refer to her as the captain - I must take my leave and join the others on Courageous. Good luck, Symon. I shall see you soon. No sooner had the old crone left as I looked at Bryce - all of the women on board were older than me by at least a year older than me anyways, so... - anyways, the second lieutenant smiled at me before nodding and retreating to her new quarters. So, as it seems, I had become the captain of a Gaulish Frigate! My first mission, set by the captain of HMS Courageous, was to sail the Gaulish prize to Albion, to make wealth and the like. It was a precarious venture, one that would a few months to complete. Even so, I had a crew of strictly women - something about men not being able to sail as we could was the word around the place - of course, I did not believe them, but I am sure that there were far more men within the navy than women, simply because there were more of them than us - but thats as if Im implying were completely different. Were all human after all. Though, that day when we executed a few more of the Gaulish crew... That really made me question that. Regardless, the next few weeks would be tireless sailing, not a single thing was notable, other than the comfort of the captains quarters. While the Gauls were our enemy, they were certainly great at providing comfort. After a month and a half at sea, another ship was in sight - its sails were tied up, as if it were just waiting for us, though I had to think otherwise if we were to get through this without too much loss of life. My attitude towards the mission was purely work-driven, I found a thrill out of sailing the high seas and manning the guns to defend ourselves. Even so, we were surprised when a cannon ball struck the deck of our ship, sending splinters around in a very dangerous fashion. Two of the crew were struck and injured, both by the ball itself, and the splintering that resulted soon after. I had to go to their aid - my years studying would not be for nothing, not this time. I pull one out of the way of another cannon ball, before tending to their wounds myself. I ordered Madame Jones, my first mate, to get a few of the crew to man the guns, and strike back with our superior firepower. After tending to their wounds, I forced myself to man one of the guns - though something seemed off. We sailed close to the unknown ship, before a few of their crew boarded. Even though I wanted to fight them, I had to make sure our cannons worked - in case we had to retreat and return fire. Though, as I clean the barrel, the wet residue was reason enough to abandon them for now, for the cannons would not work in their condition, and took a long time to get in working order - too long. With a few regrets, I give up on the guns - though after ordering the rest who were manning the guns to not worry about it, those regrets were worth it. My sword slid out of its sheath with ease, before I crippled one of the evidently Gaulish women and advanced, jumping onto the ship right beside us. While we did not have operational guns, they too had the same problem. The odds were fairly even, even though they had less of a crew, though their captain was a woman who was notable. She fought and killed two of my crew, forcing me to engage her in combat. While we were fighting it out, her crew was subdued and captured by our numbers, though I had a gut feeling, that if we both had equal numbers... I could not think like this while in the middle of a fight. Soon, I overpowered the captain and disarmed her, capturing her in much the same way her crew had been captured. Now, we had another prize, and the hostages would fetch a good price for our coffers. Though... I had a suspicion, that the Gaulish captain would be a bigger part of my life... Somehow. Our two nations were soon to be in a peace, though, even though we had done what we had done today, I feel that we could get along, instead of this mindless fighting and waging war. With a sigh, I untie their captain, and have her put on deck with her other captured crew. Greetings, Gaul. I am Madame Anne Symon, and I am the captain of this frigate. I had pulled the Gaulish captain aside, and we exchanged greetings through form of formal gestures. The woman before me did not look much older than me, but she did have more experience, I could see it in her eyes, those lovely eyes... I am Madame Alexandria, pleasure to meet you here... She blinked a few times, she definitely had a calm demeanour about her. I could see myself getting along with her, should our paths cross after this. But I must ask you, of something no less. Could you resupply my crew with their possessions? Including my sword, if you will. While the request was a little... Off-putting, I nodded and agreed to it. We were both gentlewomen, and as such, I was sure that we had the honour to not fight another fight, and see more life lost, more blood shed. There you go, Madame Alexandria, that is quite an odd name, though, Im sure its just because Im from Albion. After a hearty laugh, there seemed to be no malice between both of the crews, including between myself and Alexandria. What an outcome, a pleasant one at that. Im sure the Admiral would be pleased with my actions. Ah, that it is, Madame Anna. I do thank you for your... Peaceful nature, dare I say. The Gaul laughed once more, before she was distracted by one of her crew, who had suffered a wound to their leg, causing agony. Ah, I do regret to ask of you another request, but I must. Could you spare some medicinal supplies so that my fellow lady can be mended to health? I raised an eyebrow, my fingers rapping against my rather metallic sheathe, though I nod afterwards and order one of my crew to grab the necessary supplies for Madame Alexandria. For now at least, my relationship with the Gauls was not pure, but it was good enough to considered friendly. I sure do hope that a peace treaty is signed, so that the lives lost today arent the wanted lives needed for tomorrows war, but of course, war isnt something I would want between our nations any longer. Into the night, we drank fine rum, but not to the point of blindness, at least. Retreating to my quarters, I found myself rather worn out - though I knew... My life was only just beginning in this exciting career of mine. My legs ached and my arms were sore, a few minor cuts and bruises accompanied my sleeves - heh, how weird of me, to consider my uniform a part of me, though I guess it was second nature to me. I decide to read a little into the scrolls left aboard the sloop I was effectively borrowing from Albion herself, and what I read was extraordinary. Our two nations had been fighting for almost one hundred years, and never had they been this close to peace. It sent a warm feeling through me, though before I could finally begin to rest, I heard a soft knock at the captains quarters. I wondered who would be inquiring me at this time of night, though, it was to be expected. Enter. I simply spoke, softly as to not alert anyone - even though the sloop was big enough for my quarters to be secluded enough - even so, I treated it as if it were a smaller ship. Through the rusty hinges, entered Alexandria, which alarmed me to the point of placing the scroll I was reading down, and before long I had a loaded pistol pointed at her. ... What are you doing here? I decide to move my finger off the trigger, Alexandria surely did not mean any harm, right..? I apologise, Madame Anna, but I must speak to you about something. The Gaul seemed a little tired, somewhat drunk, but I suppose, I allowed her to enter, I should hear out her story. Alright, be quick with ye. With a nod, I stand, slipping my exposed, rather pale legs out from under the covers I was beneath. Alexandria and I were almost the same height, and that could have been the reason we were reasonably matched in one on one combat. Such thoughts soon left me as she stepped closer. Its about... Well, its about you, Madame. I... I was impressed, by your actions and your bravery today, it reminded me of my commanding officer. You sure arent cowardly, though you look it. Huh... Complimenting me before mildly insulting me, eh? Ill let that slide... She had good intentions regardless. She took another step toward me, before looking down, her face and features masked by hair that was reasonably short, pulled back into a short tail, utterly beautiful in a normally long haired society. I also must thank you, for sparing the lives of my crew, and myself, even though I... Took a couple of your crew... While that was true... I could not deny that I wouldve done the same had I been in her position. With a sigh, I simply place my hand on her shoulder. Aye, it is alright, Madame Alexandria, I could see your intentions through your actions. With another sigh, I nod before placing my pistol down, the gentle swaying of the ship made me a little uneasy though I could manage just fine. I am glad to have met you, rather than one who was not so open minded. The Gaul smiled at me, before she closed the distance between us... Just, hugging me, like that... I place my arms around her briefly, before pushing her away lightly. We may be at the brink of peace, but remember, you are still my hostage, Madame. I cannot let my duty run astray with personal desire - no matter how much Id want to... To pursue anything with you, I simply cannot at this point in time. Please, understand this. With a tinge of regret still imbedded on my face, I look down to the side, before all of a sudden, Alexandria kissed me. A light touch of our lips, a forbidden touch of our lips, the same was the same. Though, I could not help but respond in kind, even though I wiped my mouth soon after. Alright, alright... Begone with you. Dont get caught out there... I turn her around by using her shoulders, though I linger for a moment too long, and she looks back at me before leaving my quarters. That was indeed... A shock to my system. A long week it was, as the crew readjusted to more people being on board, mostly prisoners, though they would not be a hassle. There was another week to go, the coast line of another nation was visible in the far distance, but that was far from Albion. I knew that my skills as a captain had been refined at least to the degree of which I needed it to be - there were none of the crew planning mutinies and whatnot. I sighed with content, before Jones knocks at my door. After opening it, she looks rather worried. Anne, theres a leak below deck - were taking on water, and if we dont act soon, the ship will sink. A shot of shock went through my system, though I knew I had to stay calm in this situation - much like Madame Mason had done a while ago. With a sigh, I dress myself properly before checking the damage out myself. Well, well... It looks like its been like this for a while now. Why was I not informed sooner? Rather, why was this not the first thing checked? I frown somewhat, adjusting my hat before making my way up to deck again. Women! On deck! I shout at the top of my lungs, and sure enough, the crew of twenty I had were all lined up, ready to go. I will need you all to drain the lower parts of the hull of water, use the prisoners if you need to. Make sure that the hole is mended, and above all else, no whips on the prisoners! After giving out my orders, there was no hesitation between my crew - something I admired about them all - and soon I found myself below deck, helping out. The Gaulish prisoners soon drained the hull of any water, and with relative ease and spare materials, we mend the ship to good repair. The feeling was remarkable, being able to lead my crew and even the prisoners to help out. The way I figured it was that they wouldnt want to die as well as us, and as such, it was evident that we could all work together when we could. Soon, I spot Alexandria, who waves to me with a small smile. She and I both know that we could not contact each other, at least not as present times would allow us. Even so, her venture to my quarters late last night... It was odd now she was able to get out of the hold below deck without being spotted or detected. I let it slide for now, hoping that this good behaviour from everyone would earn us bonuses once we got back to Albion soil. Another week soon passes without incident, before another ship was spotted out in the distance. It was Gaulish - the design and the flag gave that away - and I could see the looks on the Gaulish parts of my crew, who were loyal to me - but who was to say theyd be loyal against another of their own ships? I knew that I couldnt push them that far - at least, if the ship attacked us first, theyd know that they would have to fight to stay on my good side. Ah, how two months could change a person at sea from a mere crew member to the captain of a frigate - with a prize crew no less. The other ship was a sloop - a smaller ship, with less guns, but I knew for a fact theyd have many more people on board, and a greater rate of fire. Even so, I decided to take a risk - to sail toward it, but not near it, with the Albion flag flapping proudly in the winds of that day. The next few minutes were crucial, for my plan could not fail. I order those who werent of Gaulish descent to man the guns, loading them just as I had a few weeks ago. I knew what it was like - heavy work not suited to fair skinned ladies - but for now, theyd have to take the brunt of it. The Gaulish women were darker in skin, but not so much darker in mindset. We were alike, which is why we could work together. For this plan to work, Id have to get close enough to the sloop - before firing off a round of cannonfire - and afterwards, engaging them by boarding. The manoeuvre would be tedious, but with Jones at the helm, I knew she could steer this ship better than me. Once we had subdued them, we would leave them be - as we could not afford to offer a miniature prize crew for the smaller sloop - it may have been smaller, but sailing two ships between a single twenty strong crew was too much, especially for the maintenance required on the frigate. With a sigh, I simply wait for what is to come. Sooner rather than later, the sloop was well in range, though I waited for them to fire - why did they not fire?! The Albion flag was still flapping about in the wind - maybe it was the frigate itself? Still, we got closer and closer-- before a round of cannonfire hit our ship, doing minimal damage. Even so, I ordered my crew to fire, the guns of the frigate were much heavier and stronger than the sloop, and inflicted much more damage as a result. Sooner rather than later, the side of the frigate bashes against the side of the sloop, which was a bad position considering their numbers. Still, leading my crew, I board the sloop with a war cry. They quickly arm themselves but those too slow for my blade are cut down. Heh, I scream as one is executed, but have no fear when it comes to them damaging my ship. The fighting continued as I pressed on, they boarded our ship yet were blown away by ready trigger fingers, many pistols loaded and on standby for them to take out Gaulish sailors. The fight was bloody, my sword had not seen so much blood placed upon it within its time, and the blood on me was frightening. I was honestly shaking halfway through - the spray of the sea had dampened me to the point where the blood seeped onto my skin - a sudden change in temperature from the cold I was bearing. At least I was able to deal with it, for now at least, for the good of my crew. I dispatch another two sailors before I make my way to their ships rudder wheel, and I cut the wooden structure down so that they could not escape. Let this here be a lesson for you girls! When the enemy thinks they can overpower you with numbers, you strike with your sword rather than your tongue! My voice... It sounded so evil, yet, after slicing the arm off a Gaulish sailor, I could not feel a thing. The rum I had drunk the night before seemed to numb my senses, though I was still an effective warrior. Soon though, a knife impaled me in the right chest - a fatal strike if I didnt get help soon. I slide my sword into the assailant, before I drop to the deck, winded instantly and soon my senses dull to the point where I could only see and hear, but not move or speak. Bryce is the one to save me, though she drags me back onto the frigate. The fight soon ends, as the Gaulish sailors surrender, though with three of our own down - two Gaulish, one Albionian - and several enemy Gaulish sailors had met their end on their own sloop and on the frigate. The sloop was left to its own devices, as the prize sailed away without so much as a hitch. I awake some time later, the fight for my own life was tedious. The surgeon had managed to patch me up but it was hard to breathe - let alone lead my crew. That night had been a tough one to bear, but at least I could lay in the comfort of the captains quarters, my raspy breathing was all that was heard. The surgeon stayed with me, her name, Mary Orlean, and she made sure I did not die. I knew then, that even though I was a capable warrior, I needed even more to surpass the cruelty of pain and death. I was literally shaking for a while before my bloodied, damp clothing was removed, and once a fresher set was found, bandaging went around my chest, to make sure the hole within it didnt rupture so easily. I had tasted death, but I had been lucky, unlike Davies and Fisher. Both died due to complications, yet I lay here, alive... I decided from then on, that I had to live for them as well as myself. Later that night, Mary had gone to tend to the others - at least ten of my crew were wounded, and the others simply had battle cuts and scars which were easily tended to. I lay there within the comfortable bed, covers over me, though my chest still aches with a pain that simply wasnt human. The knife that had got me, it didnt even look like a knife, it was more of a sacrificial tool if I was to be honest, but I never got a long enough look at it to make sure. Soon, I hear a knock at the door, and someone enters. I try to sit up even a little bit to see who it was, but my chest simply wouldnt allow it. ... Anne, it is me, Alexandria... The Gaulish captain spoke softly, before she sat by my side, sliding her hand under the covers to grasp mine with an unlikely grip. I heard the battle above, and when I heard of you being injured - I-I... I had to come here again. I apologise, Madame. Alexandria looked down, before she lit a single candle within my quarters, and sighed heavily. When I could see her face, I could see her worry. Here was I, facing death with uncertainty to live on, while she was merely a prisoner who longed to help me. My suspicion was right - maybe she was to be a bigger part in my life, though not as much as this. I saw her in a different light - quite literally - and now, everything seemed so small, as if she and I were the last people in the world. Its fine, Alex... I wince lightly, breathing was big enough of a problem - speaking was simply the next grade of agony. I catch my breath, before sighing lightly, just looking at the one beside me. I grip her hand as best I could, to try and let her know that her presence was appreciated. Please dont speak, itll... Make you hurt even more. I cant have that, Anne. You in pain just... Makes my chest hurt as well... Though I could understand to a degree why her chest would hurt, I doubted it would hurt as much as mine right now - she didnt have the bandages around her chest now, did she? I do hope you get well soon, otherwise... I stared at her, and as I did, she started to tear up. I frown somewhat, watching the former Gaul captain produce tears in her eyes, I honestly thought I would never see such a sight. ... Otherwise Ill never be able to touch your lips again, you know?! She gasped sharply, before her bottom lip trembled somewhat. Using some kind of otherworldly strength, I get myself upright enough to reach over and pull her onto me, though as much as my chest hurt, Alexandria crying hurt far more. I ignored the pain as much as I could, and eventually resorted to moving across enough so that I could turn her around and hold her from behind, my head buried in her back. Then, then there was a long silence. No tears. Only my raspy breathing. The night went by, with me sleeping with Alexandria - a woman, for the first time, well, to be frank, it was my first time sleeping with anyone beside myself in a bed - and as morning approached, she snuck out, much to my own half-distress. I woke up with the pang in my chest, it was to be expected, though it felt worse than before. At the hour of six, Jones entered my room. Anne, I must ask you something - who has control of this ship? My first mate asked, and though I wished I could make her captain for now, until we got to Albion, I simply could not. ... I will appoint Bryce as captain... For now. I simply reply, before I see Jones look down somewhat, evidently hurt. Im sorry. No, its fine Symon, you just... Make sure you live, okay? She too looked worried for me, hell, I was worried for myself. This journey, my first journey, had been a long and precarious one, but it had not been without reward. A kiss on the lips, not one but two naval battles, won by me, and most of all... Alexandria, she was my biggest reward. Had she not been here... Well, who knows what wouldve happened. Jones soon left my room, and I struggled to even sit up with my legs over the side of my bed. It felt like I was dying, much sooner than I had hoped. Late morning came by, before I managed to warm myself enough to stand. I had to use one of the long rifles - unloaded - as a walking stick, but it was much better than having the thought of falling over without restraint. Falling now could warrant me a quick death and for Alexandrias sake, I dare not let that happen. With help from Mary, I get myself on deck, where the remaining crew gathered around me. They all looked up to me, little young me, Anne Symon of Albion. Whether they be Gaul or Albionian, they looked up to me because of my actions. My bravery and my courage to go for the risk had paid off, though not so much for myself. I saw some of the prisoners working on deck, simply cleaning it, and once I saw Alexandrias face, I felt my chest ease even if it was ever so slightly. I thought I was foolish then, but now... I was becoming sure that she was within my future, if I got there... Listen, girls... Im in a bad way. I might not even... Make it to Albion... I mutter, though they were all intently listening. Their faces told stories their vocals could not, and their body language suggested that I shouldnt give up. They looked hurt, broken even, and if I were to go... Their source of inspiration would go with me. I couldnt let that happen. But know this... I will not go down without a fight! Just you see... JUST YOU SEE-- By then, I felt blood warm my throat, before I coughed it out onto the deck, falling down though Mary grasped my arm. I was doubled over, in pain and in agony, and it would hurt to see Alexandrias face right now. I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes, but even then, they did not fall. I wipe my mouth with a handkerchief, before slowly getting up with help. A little puncture wont sink this ship... The crew then one by one, hugged me softly, as if to say, Get well soon, Anne. Dont die on us.. I could hear Jones and Bryce sniffing as they hugged me, suggesting they were finally realising how much of a role model I was to not only them, but everyone on board. When I had helped the prisoners plug the holes below deck, they all looked up to me as if I were their leader - partly true, but their leader as in their true leader, royalty if I wanted to push it. Though, I could not push it much more today, otherwise I would really die.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:59:18 +0000

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