Here are a few of the last words I recorded from Dr. Sigafoose at - TopicsExpress


Here are a few of the last words I recorded from Dr. Sigafoose at DE... Dr James Sigafoose: - I have been sitting back there so long waiting to speak that my ass is completely numb. - its late, generally by now Im waking up for the second time to pee. - we are not in the money business, we are in the service business. - if youre clean and touch a persons mind, you should be able to see volumes of people. - have a sign saying, I would rather you say s*** then say treatment we dont use medical terms here. - we make analysis not diagnosis. - fear and faith dont mix. - the principle of Chiropractic is the law of life. - go into the office with one thought, I am a blank and I have only priority to detect and correct subluxations. - take dominion over your life. - dont focus on the math, focus on the magic. - take the sword to cut a path for all those that will follow. -When a new person comes to the office, what do you do? They have already been through all the medical crap. Why would you want to duplicate that? -We adjust people on the first visit. -A three day exam and consult is the biggest crock of S*** I have ever heard. -Mental impulse reduction can kill you! -The primordial subluxation is the separation of man from God, man the physical from God the spiritual. -The waiting room held 350 people with television screens to educate people. I saw 1000s of people a week, you can too. -Educate but have fun. You always want to go where you are having the most fun. -I run this show, the show doesnt run me -We would fast to test ourselves to see how disciplined we were -Be different, stand out, the idea is to get people to talk about you. -Take an ad out that says, lost parakeet. Only says one word, Chiropractic. Reward- $1000. This way a whole bunch of people will go out, buy a parakeet and repeat chiropractic to it over and over again. -A drop of liquor on your tongue separates you from the spirit. -Is it possible that we were appointed to be chiropractors? -If you cant speak in public, join toastmasters International -How do you overcome your greatest fear-confrontation- youve got to look it in the eyes -The law of agreement-Lets see each other as if we were all we could become, as if it were done. -You must get rid of your fears and inhibitions- You must change something. -Be recognized-stand out-be different -When are you going to be 180 degrees different? -Let me make an appeal to you: 1-dont drink 2-Fast 1 day a month. -Seek something greater than ourselves- pick up the Bible -Dont focus on the man- focus on the master -no excuses -Stand up and say, I cant afford a negative person, place of thing -Lord I do give thanks for the abundance I live NOW.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:24:00 +0000

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