Here are again fans. The Dawg House has begun. I am your host, - TopicsExpress


Here are again fans. The Dawg House has begun. I am your host, Robert D. Oberman. Please welcome my guest at this time, Mad Melvin. Robert D. Oberman Welcome sir. How are you tonight? Mad Melvin Hello and Im good. How you doing sir? Robert D. Oberman I am great. How long have you been a wrestler? Mad Melvin I would have to say four years. Robert D. Oberman Where did you get your training? Mad Melvin At the Hopwf training school. Robert D. Oberman Who was your first match against? Mad Melvin Big Red Simon Shadows in a triple threat match on June 28, 2011. Robert D. Oberman How did you do? Mad Melvin I did pretty well in my first match, but I had a lot good matches there. Robert D. Oberman How many titles have you won? Mad Melvin I hold two! Hopwf Heavyweight title and Hopwf trainee title 2 times. Robert D. Oberman In your opinion, what are the keys to a good match? Mad Melvin My opinion is communication. Robert D. Oberman Why did you decide to become a wrestler? Mad Melvin It has been my dream since I was 9 years old. I love being a wrestler. Everyday I’m in the ring. Robert D. Oberman What style do you consider yourself? Brawler, technical? Mad Melvin I’d have to say brawler. Robert D. Oberman Who is your biggest rival? Mad Melvin The one person I have a rivalry with is Tremor and Kidd Mike. OK, maybe two. Robert D. Oberman How many times have you faced Kidd Mike? Mad Melvin 20 or 40 times. I lost count because we beat each other up a lot. Robert D. Oberman What is your finishing move? Mad Melvin Chock slam and the Stunner. Robert D. Oberman Where would you like your career to lead you? Mad Melvin Nowhere. To be honest. I love wrestling cause the fans. That’s where my career is leading me right now. For the love of the fans. Robert D. Oberman What organizations do you wrestle for? Mad Melvin SSW and PWS. Mad Melvin Things are going good at PWS. Robert D. Oberman In PWS you are currently tagging with Wesley Lockbaum. What is the name of your tag team? Mad Melvin The name of our tag name is Mad Explosions. Robert D. Oberman When can we expect Mad Explosions to challenge for the PWS tag titles? Mad Melvin Who knows man, it might happen on August 2nd. Got to wait and see the way things are going. Mad Explosions might be the next tag champs. Robert D. Oberman What is your opinion of the current PWS tag champs, The New Lords of Supertown (Kidd Mike and JF Jones)? Mad Melvin They are a great tag team and also good tag team champions. There might be a great fight with them. Robert D. Oberman What are your goals for SSW? Mad Melvin Well, my goal there is to be the next SSW USA champion. Robert D. Oberman Isnt Inferno challenging Tytan for that title July 26? Are you officially challenging the winner? Mad Melvin You can say that. If there is one man I want to face, it would be Tytan but only time will tell. Robert D. Oberman How do you think you would fare against him? Mad Melvin Well, Tytan, he is one though champion. If I do ever face him, he is gonna be tough to fight with but I got a lot respect for him he is a great champion in SSW. Robert D. Oberman Who else would you like to face? Mad Melvin I would want face J Balla, Cory Bush, and Mr. Jones. Robert D. Oberman Why those 3? Mad Melvin I got many more, but I faced Cory Bush before but I didn’t have a real singles match with him. As far as J Balla and Mr. Jones, I would love to face them one day. Robert D. Oberman Who was your favorite wrestler as a kid? Mad Melvin My favorite is Jeff Hardy. Robert D. Oberman What has been your toughest match? Mad Melvin Tremor for the Hopwf heavyweight title. Mad Melvin and me facing the freak few times. Robert D. Oberman Last question, when you retire what do you want people to say about your career? Mad Melvin Well, if I retire, I will let them say that I had a great life in pro wrestling. I lived a great dream, had amazing career and I was happy to be there friend Robert D. Oberman Well sir we are out of time. I thank you for joining me this evening. It was an absolute pleasure to speak with you. Any parting words for your fans? Mad Melvin All I want say to my fans is thank you all for the support and if you all want see some great pro wrestling come on July 26th for Super Star Wrestling and August 2nd for Pro Wrestling Showcase. We got a lot of great events for them both but thank you Robert for having me here hope you all have a great summer.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:32:10 +0000

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