Here are minutes of the previous meeting NGORA HIGH SCHOOL OLD - TopicsExpress


Here are minutes of the previous meeting NGORA HIGH SCHOOL OLD STUDENTS ASSOCIATION MEETING HELD ON 05/10/2013 (KAMPALA-CENTENARY PARK) AGENDA 1 .PRAYER 2. INTRODUCTION 3. COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR 4. REACTIONS 5. AOB Members Present 1. Joseph Akwanget 2. Francis Aseete 3 .Aloikin Sophia 4 .Okello Alex 5 .Hilda Akabwai 6 .Kenneth Oluka 7. Dr .Rose Ademun Okurut 8. John Peter Onebe 9. Samuel Ekellot 10. Winnie Opio 11. Imalingat Catherine 12. Margaret Aanyu 13. Isreal Opio 14. Caroline Asio 15. Agnes Akullo 16. Job Amuriat 17. Hariet Ajwado 18. Susan Okedi 19. Stella Arwako Absent with Apology 1. Hon. Alice Alaso 2. Jacob Opolot 3. Richard Ojilong 4. Dickens Ojamuge 5. Sarah Adungo The meeting was called to order at 6.00pm and Okello Alex led the opening prayer The chairman welcomed all the members and thanked them for coming which he said showed their commitment. He said it had not been easy ever since the Association was formed as the members have to always sacrifice their time and money for the good of our school. He said the purpose of the meeting was to mobiles members for the good of NHS and the reported that during the AGM it was adopted that regional meeting be organized and Kampala was identified as the 1st place to hold the meeting. The chairman there introduced Ms. Stella Arwako as the main coordinator for the Kampala Region. He put emphasis on identifying cohort leaders to help in the mobilization especially as look forward to celebrating 100 years of Ngora High School The Chair therefore encouraged members to pay their membership fee and reported that there are already some projects that the Old Students had began working on for example the building of the sickbay which ground breaking was done during the AGM held on 10/08/2013 He said the Old Students had also identified the need to build a storied building to accommodate girls as the situation in the girls wing was in a sorry state where these day’s girls reside in the ablutions The chair also informed the meeting that the Head teacher and the school administration was willing to host the Old Students for the fundraising scheduled for March 2014, he therefore encouraged members in different positions to come up to help support in form of going to school to give inspiration talks ,scholastic materials etc saying that it was important for us to give back to the school that made us what we are today. He thanked Mr. Dickens Ojamuge, Mr. David Abala ,Mr. Francis Aseete etc for giving their time to always travel to school to talk to students, he also informed the meeting that Mr. Abala was scheduled to talk to students on 12/10/2013 and encouraged those who can to join him. He informed members that we had paid for the a domain and hosting for the website.(ngorahighschool) Another achievement was that they had started on the opening of the Old Students’ Ass Account as we have all along been using the school account The Vice Chairperson explained to the members the categories of membership and said that one was allowed to pay it in installments but encouraged all to pay up so as to be able to enjoy the privileges that come with it such as Voting, standing for various positions. She informed members that there was a meeting that was held jointly with the Board of Governors, PTA School Administration, and the Old Students Executive where a taskforce was formed to steer the preparations for the celebrations of 100 years of NHS. And each organ was required to elect a member and the Old Students Elected Dr. Rose Ademun to represent us. And all the members of the Old Students Executive where allocated to various committees. REACTIONS - Dr. Ademun thanked all for the confidence they had on her and accepted the responsibility given to her. - She suggested that some improvements be made on the pledge cards eg 100 years logo and it should be blown on face book and the website - She also suggested that meeting be held on week days and members adopted to hold meetings on Wednesdays and Sundays. - One member informed the meeting that he was in touch with the family of the founding member of Ngora High and that they were interested in being involved in the 100 years celebrations. - Members agreed to have T shirts printed for the 100 years as early as possible such they can be sold as a way of fund raising - A member pledged to donate text books for students and teachers, medical equipment etc which were to be delivered to school ASAP - A member from Kyambogo University reported that there need to visit their University to talk to student and the members agreed to it and added that the Old Students will visit all institutions to encourage the Students. - Members adopted the idea of each taking up the responsibility of informing members that they have their contacts about the meetings and developments and coming with 5-10 members each for the next meeting. - Members agreed to come up with drama, skits etc for the 100 years celebrations - Members also agreed that they would come up with booklets yearly on NHS. - The next meeting will be held in Kampala on 16th/10/2013 and 03/11/2013 respectively at Cloud 9 Centenary Park. The meeting ended at 9.00pm with chairman thanking all members and encouraged the to keep time during the next meeting Susan Okedi (Secretary Publicity) 0772492135 /0700474841
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:40:01 +0000

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