Here are sample opening speeches: 1) North Korea: Honorable - TopicsExpress


Here are sample opening speeches: 1) North Korea: Honorable chair, Fellow delegates, Good Morning. The delegation of North Korea is delighted to have the opportunity to take part in this prestigious conference to debate and hopefully solve major problems the world suffers from in our present day. We would first like to express our interest in the issue concerning renewable energy sources which has always been of huge importance for our country especially since North Korea suffers from a serious energy shortage. The development and utilization of clean renewable energy will help us rely more on our environment and not seek help from other nations. In addition, it will provide us with aid in solving a problem that is highly destructive and will sadly lead to the eventual death of large numbers of nations and people. Concerning the problem of victimized children, North Korea is highly committed to this subject. Having lived through the Korean War and suffered civilian deaths, massacres, starvation and imprisonment. North Korea acknowledges the post effects of war and how dramatic such effects can be on children. Children have the right to enjoy childhood and should be fully protected from violence; therefore, we are delighted that this issue will be tackled again in the upcoming days. Conclusively, the issue of world-wide water crisis is a global matter and should be tackled by both rich and poor countries. Water experts predict that in 50 years time, many countries will be facing severe water shortages and North Korea is one of them. This is an alarming fact to us and demands our immediate attention. We are looking forward to devise possible solutions with all other nations in order to face and prevent an eventually massive drought. The delegate of North Korea has faith that this conference will be fruitful and very productive and calls upon all other nations to join hands in the coming days and provide practical solutions to be implemented in the future. Thank you 2) Russia: Honourable chair, fellow delegates The delegation of Russia is utterly pleased to be part of this conference. Our delegation looks forward to a rewarding conference in which we will present extensive efforts in issue resolution. Initially a major point concerning the issue of renewable sources of energy. Russia is currently satisfied with its huge reserves allowing it to supply consumers with relatively cheap energy. Despite of Russia’s comfort, the Russia Renewable Energy Program (RREP) supported by the Global Environment Facility was launched in December 2010. The goal of this project is creation of favorable investment conditions for development and broadening of scope of utilization of renewable energy sources. Furthermore, Russia has had history in wars and has dealt with the problematic issues that has aroused throughout the years. And it acknowledges that the use of children as soldiers is a terrible phenomenon and actions should be taken to end recruitment and use of child soldiers which violate children’s rights, destroying their childhood and compromising their future. Last but not least, freshwater scarcity has risen from a niche environmental problem to a pressing global issue. Russia contains the world’s second largest freshwater deposits, however its infrastructure has been deteriorating; also, shortages have been problematic due to pollution. Therefore the Russian government is working on improving the quality of water by various ways. We expect an impassioned, productive debate in the lead of our fellow keen delegates representing member states. Thank you. 3) Iran: Honorable chair, fellow delegates These global issues that are endangering the whole world nowadays have always been given priority in terms of solving them in the national agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran. First of all, considering the issue of finding new sources of energy and renewable ones, the Republic of Iran has found more efficient and less-costing ways than just depending on oil and is ready to share these options with other countries. Secondly, as we discuss the issue of children being the most affected because of wars not only physically but also emotionally, we are willing to do the best we can in support the UN by any possible means to help children of war in addition to fighting these wars. Finally, regarding to the third issue, which is the water crises that threatens the whole world. The republic of Iran was obliged to endeavor in searching for sufficient as well as applicable methods to protect the world from this threat, concentrating on the regions that are mostly affected. In conclusion, we hope that the Republic of Iran with the help of the United Nations and all other countries can cooperate together to find efficient solutions for these issues. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 21:57:51 +0000

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