Here are some comments posted by Chinese citizens on the - TopicsExpress


Here are some comments posted by Chinese citizens on the poisonings of the over 300 elephants. Chinese netizens react to poacher poisoning of nearly 100 elephants in Zimbabwe [TRANSLATION] Posted by: Tendai Musakwa on October 6, 2013 in Culture Leave a comment The Zimbabwean government announced September 25 that ivory poachers killed at least 87 elephants in a wildlife sanctuary in the country by pouring cyanide cocktails into their watering holes. This story was widely reported by Chinese media and attracted the attention of many Chinese netizens. Below are the top comments left by Chinese netizens on the version of the story carried by iFeng, a popular Chinese web portal. ———- “Poachers poison nearly 100 wild elephants in Zimbabwe” (Published October 3, 2013) Top Comments on iFeng (344 comments in total as of October 6) —– 52333463, iFeng Wuhan netizen: Chinese people like ivory goods! So~~~~ (1025 likes) 凤凰网湖北省武汉市网友52333463: 中国人喜欢象牙制品!所以就~~~~ [1025] 推荐 —– wzhljhl, iFeng netizen: Make the poachers drink the water from the poisoned waterhole. (962 likes) 凤凰网中国网友wzhljhl: 让投毒者也喝大象饮水池子里的水。[962] 推荐 —– 看日本人笑话, iFeng Beihai netizen: Refuse [to buy] ivory goods. Make video and text records of all [ivory] handicrafts [and make sure that no one buys them]. (720 likes) 凤凰网广西北海市网友看日本人笑话: 请拒绝象牙制品,所有工艺著书录像留存。[720]推荐 —– xiaohai4322, iFeng Suzhou netizen: Mankind is ruthless — people will do anything for money. What evil consciences. (383 likes) 凤凰网江苏省苏州市网友xiaohai4322: 人类好狠啊 为了钱 什么都干,良心太坏啊 [720] 推荐 —– iFeng Suzhou mobile phone netizen: It won’t be long before people start doing this to themselves. (272 likes) 凤凰网江苏省苏州市常熟市网友手机用户: 过不了多久就到人类自己了 [272]推荐 —– iFeng Shanghai mobile phone netizen: Give the gang of criminals who poisoned the elephants the death sentence! Don’t remit their sentences — execute them! (272 likes) 凤凰网上海市网友手机用户: 把投毒团伙处以极刑!杀无赦![272]推荐 —– axskb, iFeng Nanzhou netizen: [This happens because] Africa has many animals and the legal institutions there are weak. Mankind is evil. (141 likes) 凤凰网贵州省黔南州网友axskb: 非洲野生动物众多,恰恰又法制不健全.作孽的人类啊! [141]推荐 —– yca00100, iFeng Hefei netizen: This kind of crime is a crime against the whole of humanity. Everyone has the right to punish the criminals. (135 likes) 凤凰网安徽省合肥市网友yca00100: 这种犯罪,是面对地球的的犯罪,人人可得而诛之! [135] 推荐 —– 习李粉条, iFeng Suzhou netizen: Arrest the poachers and execute them by shooting. (130 likes) 凤凰网江苏省苏州市网友习李粉条: 抓住枪毙 [130] 推荐 —– 囧囧的魂魄, iFeng Fuzhou netizen: Poachers should be dealt with by finding them and shooting them dead on the spot. (99 likes) 凤凰网福建省福州市网友囧囧的魂魄: 对于盗猎份子,应该当场击毙![99]推荐 —– iFeng Luoyang mobile phone netizen: Savages. I strongly support the quick deployment of troops to annihilate these brutes. (76 likes) 凤凰网河南省洛阳市网友手机用户: 灭绝人性,强烈支持军队出动,尽快灭了这群兽兽! [76]推荐 —– lvshi, iFeng Hohot netizen: Heartless. (48 likes) 凤凰网内蒙古呼和浩特市网友lvshi: 丧尽天良[48]推荐 —– wz10230625, iFeng Guangdong netizen: Mankind will get karmic retribution for this. (38 likes) 凤凰网广东省网友wz10230625: 人类会招报应的![38]推荐 —– 凤凰网友, iFeng Hangzhou netizen: Severely punish those who poisoned the elephants. (35 likes) 凤凰网浙江省杭州市网友凤凰网友: 严惩投毒者 [35]推荐 —– 雨晰, iFeng Shanghai netizen: Colluding to commit evil deeds for money. What a cruel and vicious race of people. (34 likes) 凤凰网上海市徐汇区网友雨晰: 为了钱相互勾结牟利。凶狠的种族[34] 推荐 —– 草民发言, iFeng Guangdong netizen: Mankind is evil. I hope it becomes extinct soon… (33 likes) 凤凰网广东省网友草民发言: 罪恶的人类快点消失吧。。。。。[33] 推荐 —– 一开门进财, iFeng Taizhou netizen: Extremely callous. (24 likes) 凤凰网浙江省台州市网友一开门进财: 太狠毒了! [24] 推荐 —– iFeng Guangdong mobile phone netizen: Elephants will become extinct sooner or later. (21 likes) 凤凰网广东省网友手机用户: 大象早晚灭绝 [21] 推荐 —– iFeng Huizhou mobile phone netizen: Barbaric (19 likes) 凤凰网广东省惠州市网友手机用户: 不是人 [19] 推荐 —–
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:39:08 +0000

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