Here are some encouraging words from fellow Jazzerciser, Bree - TopicsExpress


Here are some encouraging words from fellow Jazzerciser, Bree Combs. I’ll give you a peek into my thoughts lately and even an embarrassing invitation for accountability as I prove my point. I have been Jazzercising for about six years (can I get a whoop, whoop?!) I know that I am not the best dancer in the class or the most coordinated. But, I have come to enjoy this form of exercise, or at least tolerate it. However, there is one Jazzercise move I have flat out refused to do since I started…the dreaded shimmy. My body just doesn’t move like that. I know how stupid I look attempting the move, and my mirror concurs, so I just don’t do it. When the choreography of a song requires a shimmy, I do something else (which I’m pretty sure makes me look just as stupid.) Now, let me introduce you to Peggy. Peggy has been Jazzercising for many years. She attends multiple classes per day and always shows up with bells on. No, I mean that literally, she always wears bells on her shoes. I don’t know her exact age, but she just had her first grandbaby, giving herself the title of Glammy. Peggy dons bright red hair and an infectious smile, while occupying her spot in over 250 Jazzercise classes per year. And, she does it with style, sass, and superior spirit. A few weeks ago I was Jazzing it up and kind of got lost in my own head…which is what over-thinkers like me do. I was contemplating dinner and dinosaurs (…don’t ask) when I heard the instructor cue the dreaded shimmy. Just as I was about to roll my eyes and divert from the choreography, I caught Peggy in the corner of my eye. She was shimmying like her life depended on it, with a flair and flamboyance that would make Micheal Jackson jealous. In that moment, I wanted to be Peggy. I wanted to lose myself so completely that I couldn’t care less how ridiculous I looked. I wanted to throw caution to the wind, embrace the moment, and shimmy like no one was watching. So, I did. I shimmied. And I didn’t die. In fact, no one even noticed. But, in that moment, I decided I would never let the fear of looking stupid keep me from doing anything, ever again.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 05:39:04 +0000

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