Here are some good points about a lot of the stuff posted on FB as - TopicsExpress


Here are some good points about a lot of the stuff posted on FB as truth. My good friend Ken Granderson posted this earlier. I deserved the gentle chastisement he gave me. We have been friends (and he my hoax mentor) for about 20 years...So Im getting re-educated about the hoax levels on FaceBook! I thought we might ALL benefit from Kens words and observations! After close to 20 years of seeing straight-up hoaxes pushed online as fact, Im a little surprised that you are not more skeptical yet. When I encounter a article that is written in a alarming tone, or is about any number of topics that tend to generate heated discussions, by default I am going to be more skeptical that normal, especially if the article is not from a source that I am familiar with as being trustworthy. Some of the things I do to give articles an (in)sanity check: * Look at other articles shown on the site - If a decent number of them are also alarmist or stretch credulity, there is a good chance that it is not reliable. * Google a couple of uncommon words or phrases from the article, followed by hoax or snopes. Works over 80% of the time. * Check the name of the site. If it has the word TRUTH in it, 9 times out of 10, its suspect. Most REAL journalists do not feel the need to scream TRUTH! because they have documented references. * Look for right-wing dog whistle artifacts, like a preponderance of links to stories or ads: * Saying disparaging things about Obama * Warning of a pending Apocalypse * Telling you t buy gold or seeds (because of the pending apocalypse) * Frequently using the word Patriot As a last resort, check to see if the site has an About type of page. Often this is where the site will come clean if it is a satire site, or will proudly state how they represent the only real patriots. It REALLY does not take much time to learn to check yourself before you wreck yourself, and remember that only YOU can prevent America from getting even dumber by spreading hoaxes and conspiracy theories.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:00:58 +0000

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