Here are some helpful hints to assist you as you form worthwhile - TopicsExpress


Here are some helpful hints to assist you as you form worthwhile business networks: 1. Have a plan Before you go out to an event, decide on the number of people you want to approach – a maximum of three is a realistic number. These must be people you don’t know and have never spoken to before. Otherwise, you will waste your time chatting to old friends, squandering an opportunity to form new networks. 2. Be visible In order for others to remember who you are, you need to get yourself out there. This can be achieved by offering your services and expertise to those who can help capture your value. Identify your target and approach that person. It is important for people to not only remember who you are but refer you to others. 3. Reciprocity Networking is a two-way stream. It’s not only about you finding the right contacts but about people finding you approachable and considering you to be a suitable contact for themselves. A smile goes a long way. It welcomes people into your space. A friendly face can secure potential partnerships to build your network. Some things you should always remember include pronouncing people’s names correctly, and being courteous and polite. In networking, your time is the most valuable asset you can provide to a potential contact. Be available to build those relationships because, at some point, you will want the same in return. 4. Size is not everything Rather than trying to build a massive business network, focus on quality and efficiency instead. Your networks should include people who have different skills sets from yours and their skills should also be diverse from each other’s. 5. Approach the experts Usually, when there is a problem at the office, we ask for help from those closest to us. The disadvantage of this is that they may not know much more than we do. It becomes important, then, to build a pool of experts to call on in times of trouble. Connecting to these experts in the organisation connects you to people who know more than you do. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. 6. Build the team A strong team sustains a good network. It is a worthwhile exercise to invest time and money in building a solid team that will function across the company and bridge the gaps between organisational silos. As much as individuals need to find the right networks, the departments within the organisation must also find synergy and work together, and not in isolation, if they are to form formidable networks. 7. Ask and stay in touch Do not be afraid to reach out to potential connections for their contact details. A common mistake that most people make is not following up on potential contacts. Find reasons to reach out and connect. When you are consistent in following up, you can build strong ties with your network. It is also crucial to keep track of how often you make contact with your networks. If you have minimal to no contact time with your contacts, you need to ask yourself if the relationship is worth pursuing. 8. Get online You can use the Internet to work on your real-life networks. There are a variety of great ways to promote face-to-face networking opportunities using online tools. Conclusion In essence, establishing networks doesn’t have to be scary or difficult. Start small – over time, your social network will grow. Each of your contacts can bring others, with different skill sets and knowledge from which you can benefit, into your circle. It’s important to consider why you are forming these business networks. This channels your efforts in the right direction and into meeting the right people. Understand why you are forming new networks – what goals are you trying to achieve? When you are able to eloquently express yourself and what you do to others, you will be able to attract the right people to help you succeed in your career path. Remember to keep your networks fresh and alive. You never know when they may come in handy.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 13:31:43 +0000

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