Here are some little bits of brain matter…again this will be - TopicsExpress


Here are some little bits of brain matter…again this will be random in nature but that’s how I map my way to things…I am not afraid to give advice or speak my mind…there is a danger in that…not from how people will perceive me…because I’m at a stage in life where I frankly don’t give a crap whether somebody thinks I am a_________fill the blank (a-hole, idiot, nice guy, brilliant, fraud, etc.) no the danger is thinking not what I say is important, but that I am important (because I’m not). My mind is leading me to what I call the dynamic of balance, Balance rules the day…God’s brilliance is that things function, are intelligible, are meaningful, when they are in balance. We know this works in many schemes…eat too much...body gets fat…eat too little…malnutrition…I’m sure you can give many more examples than I can…In fact human beings by their very nature are balanced…we a are composites…our souls animate our bodies…without a soul were corpses, without a body…we aren’t human. Here are few more…in a good relationship there exists the balance of giving of oneself, without losing the essence of oneself…Faith works in balance…fideism is faith independent of reason…that’s foolish…empiricism is acknowledging things that can only be determined sensory experiences…that leaves out metaphysical ideas…rationalism…regards reason as the source chief and test of knowledge…that leaves out the mysterious or revealed truths…Faith works when it is informed by reason…The mystery of God is unfathomable but not unreasonable and not inexplorable. Other important examples of balance…saints struggled with this…to evangelize and preach the Gospel you need a certain charismatic personality…you cannot persuade….if you cannot speak well, use logical and convincing arguments, be a nice person etc….the balance is that you cannot for a moment believe that you are responsible for God’s good works, or the movement from the Holy Spirit…that’s dangerous and destructive…God works through us and in us and we are his instruments, not in an impersonal nature…we bring the lifeblood of Christ to others...finally…this is important for our self-absorbed narcissistic society. If you love yourself too much, then you love God too little… this equation is a three way deal…love self…love God…love neighbor( not in an idealistic – secular humanist way but in a concrete actual way…the man or woman next door, the co-worker, the homeless person you know personally etc. Balance is everything…work hard in school, never seek anything less than excellence and when time permits recreate, have fun, let loose…never too much of either…balance…baby…balance
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 22:20:01 +0000

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