Here are some memes Ive made (Minus the George McGovern quote) - TopicsExpress


Here are some memes Ive made (Minus the George McGovern quote) that I promised I would upload. I think these memes will help get the point across, I propose that we add these memes in addition to posting the following description that I typed up here. By all means, use whatever tactics you deem fitting, but feel free to use my pictures and words :) In addition to posting such information, individual responses are encouraged as it shows we arent just saying these things because were coached, but because weve all individually done the research and taken the facts to their logical conclusions. My post: The pioneers of a warless world are the young men and women who refuse military service. - Albert Einstein When it comes to most discourse regarding military service, the vast majority of society tends to fervently praise and respect the military as an institution. People who criticize soldiers or the role they play in facilitating unnecessary murder (war) are quickly dismissed as being hateful and/or inconsiderate of the freedoms provided by the soldiers theyre criticizing. This isnt a bit surprising given that most Americans have little to no understanding, much less an overall interest in the real reasons that soldiers are sent to kill and die in distant lands overseas. I firmly believe that if more people familiarized themselves with the details of war and what military service actually represents that less people would view military service in a favorable light. SOLDIERS DONT FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM: The notion that American soldiers defend our freedom is preposterous and would be viewed as such by anyone remotely familiar with U.S. Foreign Policy. If you are unfamiliar with the fact that U.S. soldiers are nothing more than sacrificial pawns in rich mans chess and laying down their lives/mental sanity for the benefit of war-profiteering corporations I encourage you to read my book Death of the Patriot? In the book I offer a detailed analysis of the war-profiteering industry and their connections to taking America to war solely for financial profits. If you cant afford to buy a copy at my personal website (peacefulpatriot), I gladly welcome you to contact me via FB message and I will happily send you a PDF copy for free. If you legitimately support the troops and disagree with anything Ive said in the above paragraphs, I challenge you to devote a couple hours to reading my book and absorbing the facts I present. If you believe these men are risking their lives for you, the least you can do to show your thanks is taking a couple hours out of your life and learning about what is happening in their name. The truth of the matter is that soldiers kill and die for the economic freedoms of politicians and their corporate sponsors, and that such service results in the unnecessary deaths of innocent civilians overseas. MILITARY SERVICE RESULTS IN MASS MURDER: When accounting for the fact that the U.S. Government goes to war solely out of economic interest, it becomes irrefutably clear that the deaths of countless millions of people are entirely unnecessary. Billionaires making money from death doesnt make the world a better place and it certainly doesnt provide a service detrimental to societys interests. Iraq posed no threat to the United States, but that didnt stop the U.S. Government from militarily destroying it as a nation-state, resulting in the deaths of nearly 2 million Iraqis and the displacement of many millions more. In my book I disprove the many empty lies sold to an ignorant public on television, ranging from the troops being greeted as liberators to the war improving the standard of living for the Iraqi people. Thousands of U.S. soldiers and countless Iraqis are dead over a myriad of lies sold by the government, and I think it is mandatory that we aspire to accepting such facts if we are ever to have a meaningful dichotomy over military service. Military service is precisely what allows organized murder to occur, I refute the empty notion that politicians are solely to blame for war as such a statement is simply untrue: If soldiers refused orders there would be no war, and this is why many of us are fundamentally opposed to military service as we recognize the immorality of promoting human sacrifice to the interests of rich businessmen and their political stooges. DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT THE TROOPS? How anyone aware of the true reasoning America goes to war could support military service is beneath my comprehension. If you truly value the lives of soldiers, shouldnt you be concerned about their planned deaths and mental anguish for corporate profit? Does it not shake you out of your cognitive dissonance to know that 30 veterans commit suicide a day as a result of their inability to cope with the horror of their participation in wars fought over lies? If you truly cherish the troops, you wouldnt be encouraging them to enlist or re-enlist in the military, as such a job renders them susceptible to physical and mental harm. I dont know about you, but I think the lives of our fellow man are worth more than the blood money of the war-profiteering industry. Unfortunately, the phrase SUPPORT OUR TROOPS is nothing but empty rhetoric that reflects supporting their role as being cannon fodder for the corporate elite. In other words, SUPPORT THE TROOPS falls drastically short of supporting the troops. MILITARY SERVICE MAKES YOU LESS SAFE: If we cant reach your hearts in stating why we shouldnt support human sacrifice to immoral politicians and businesses profiting from murder, let us reach your mind instead, for your own safety is compromised by military service. US-sponsored warfare has overtly destroyed the lives of millions. Such massive devastation and abuse of human rights puts all of our lives in jeopardy of retaliatory violence from those resentful of US actions. How would you react to foreign soldiers torturing and murdering your family members? Do you think if Americans were being systematically murdered some of us might resort to violence as a tactic against the soldiers and society responsible for their deaths? One can only ponder how many terrorists have been created from US Policy overseas. As more bodies pile up, the consequence of such brutality renders us all potential victims of retribution. We ignore the potential fallout of US policy at our own peril, and I believe that if the US Military continues to slaughter innocence overseas we will eventually see real terrorism on our streets in America that make the Boston bombings and 2009 Fort Hood shooting look like a walk in the park. CONCLUSION: Soldiers are used as human wrecking balls to destroy targets deemed unworthy by the US Government. Given the continuity of deception and deliberate fraud executed by this government pertaining to everything they do, you would have to be clinically insane to believe in a single word they mention on the topic of war. I would very much prefer if we didnt encourage men and women to participate in the unnecessary killing of people who meant America no harm. I would very much appreciate it if we stopped labeling blind obedience to senseless murder as heroic. Soldiers dont serve the American people, they serve politicians and their corporate handlers, no one else. May we all strive for a warless world. Peace be upon you all, Brandon Parsons
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 13:29:44 +0000

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