Here are some points of interests within the speech of President - TopicsExpress


Here are some points of interests within the speech of President Museveni: 1. ‘’The verification mission, which was composed of the South African Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Zambian Minister for the Presidency, [was] finally able to visit Kisangani on 12th August and they witnessed a huge rally which was held by Prof Wamba. The show of strength and support for Prof Wamba apparently angered the Rwandese who, subsequently, started bringing troop reinforcements into Kisangani.’’ Museveni. Comment: It is clear that Kagame has never supported the emergence of an effective Congolese leadership… He has always wanted a puppet leading the Congo so that he can have the control over the Kivu, which control has always been his main objective in the Congo… Prof Wamba wasn’t the kind of puppet that Kagame wanted as the leader for the Congo… 2. ‘’At this point, I got an urgent message from the Assistant Secretary of State of United States Government, Susan Rice, expressing concern that we were sending reinforcements to Kisangani when, in fact, we had not yet done so. It seems somebody must have been misinforming the Americans.’’ Museveni Comment: lies, misinformation and cover-up are at the heart of the ascension and the maintaining of Kagame in power. Still now, facts are showing how he has been spreading the propaganda of lies and misinformation on his involvement and crimes in pillaging Congo… 3. ‘’When Kagame went to his room, I wondered whether these people [the Rwandese] were not playing me some tricks. I had told them for four days that their army was blockading our army but they were not taking it seriously. (…) For the first time, I saw that Kagame was treating the situation with the requisite urgency. He said that we should forget about the agenda of the previous night, hence, we drafted another document and agreed upon it ‘’ Museveni Comment: Probably, Kagame was buying time, the reason why he didn’t take a plane… He was sure that RPA would defeat UPDF in Kisangani… Even the seven points of the agenda of the work he proposed was clearly designed to impose his conditions to Museveni after the defeat of UPDF in Kisangani… So the defeat of RPA by UPDF in Kisangani was a surprise to Kagame… This guy is really like a dangerous snack… How come he could did such thing to Museveni who made him? 4. ‘’In spite of what had happened in Kisangani, I decided that Uganda should continue to support the legitimate interests of Rwanda but that it would not allow Rwanda to dominate the DRC.’’ Museveni Comment: Maybe Museveni ignored that the objective of Kagame was really to dominate the Congo… 18 years later, facts speak for themselves… Museveni did underestimate what Kagame was doing… The cost now is beyond any understanding: millions of innocent victims and billions of dollars in pillages… 5. ‘’In the whole of Congo, it was only in Kisangani that our forces were together. In the Rwandese sectors, we attached our small, but crucial, units to their forces – such as the tanks and anti-aircraft systems we had in Goma. Whenever we wanted to contact those forces, we would do so through the Rwandese’’. Museveni Comment: Since he was the chief of military intelligence in Uganda, Kagame had anti-aircraft systems under his command… The Rwandan army under Habyarimana didn’t have such weaponry… Investigation on the terrorist attack against the Habayarimana plane should focus on the identification of the missiles that were used in the attack, in which stock of weaponry those missiles came from and who was trained to launch them… 6. ‘’ There are, therefore, some unexplained reasons why the Rwandese were behaving in the manner that they were.’’ Museveni Comment: President Museveni should now know the reason why Rwandese were behaving in the manner that they were, not only in Kisangani but also in everywhere in the Congo where they were controlling the situation… 18 years later, evidence is clear: Kagame has been working since then with the agenda of annexing the Kivu and pillaging Congolese bloody minerals… All of the pretexts of hunting genocidaires or intervening for ethnic tensions in the Kivu have been the cover-up to the double agenda of Kagame in the Congo… This is why Kagame and Rwandese troops have behaved like they have been doing in the Congo… Conclusion: For those who were in doubt about the Kagame action in the Congo, this speech from President Museveni at that time brings new light to confront them... From AFDL, RCDs, MLC, CNDP to M23, all of the pretexts of aggressions against the Congo have been the cover-up of the Kagame and Co.’s agenda in annexing the Kivu and pillaging the Congolese bloody minerals… 18 years later, the evidence is the most clearest… Kagame and Kabila should go and let the region closing the bloodiest page of its history they set up and beginning a new one for shared Peace, Security and Prosperity…
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 05:29:36 +0000

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