Here are some questions to ask yourself before you post that - TopicsExpress


Here are some questions to ask yourself before you post that selfie: 1. Does this have artistic merit? Are you posting that pic because you think your skin looks particularly glowing that day and you want everyone to know, or are you posting it to showcase your new eyeliner technique? If the only point of posting the photo is because you think you look fabulous, how is that inspiring to your followers? 2. Is the photo OF you or ABOUT you? Readers want to know if you’re getting creative with a new DIY or if you’re at an awesome concert with friends. They don’t necessarily want to see a cute expression you’re making while you sit in traffic. 3. How many selfies have you shared this week? Try pacing yourself. Of course people enjoy seeing your lovely face, but you need to leave your audience wanting more. 4. Is it a good photo? Sure you might look great, but the photo itself should be esthetically pleasing, as should all of the photos on your blog (for optimum effect). Are the angles good? Is the lighting nice? 5. Is it tasteful? This is a big one. Avoid overly revealing selfies. A big ole’ shot of your cleavage or a closeup of a make out session you’re having with your partner an image that can scare away a potential fan for good. This is not to say that provocative can’t be done well. If you yearn to get risque, try to make it artistic. Don’t be discouraged if you’re a self-proclaimed “selfie” lover! Cutting down on them can force you to think of other subjects to shoot, or fun ideas that are great excuses to share that lovely close-up of your face with the world! By Ashley Randall of The Photogramps
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 13:45:36 +0000

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