Here are some very basic questions that we should ask before we - TopicsExpress


Here are some very basic questions that we should ask before we get a tattoo or any other modification to our bodies. Some are practical questions, others are spiritual. If you are a youth and still responsible to your parents, what do they think? If they are not supportive, you should honor your mother and father. Twenty years from now is this what I would want to represent who I am to those who see it? Will this impact my ministry opportunities? Regardless of whether it is fair or not, tattoos still have a stigma with certain people. Is the image I’m putting on my body truly glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ? What is my motivation for putting this on my body? ie. Looks cool, Friends are doing it and I want to be a part of the group, etc. Who (or what) owns you? (Branding/marking/tattooing of animals in the OT was a sign of ownership.) Tattoos are skin deep. How deep is your faith? The ultimate bottom line is that it is not necessarily a sin to get a tattoo! I just strongly encourage you to pray about it as you would hopefully do with any other decision that impacts your body for the rest of your life here on earth!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 21:31:25 +0000

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