Here are some wonderful advise for those of you that are like - TopicsExpress


Here are some wonderful advise for those of you that are like myself! We are called caregivers I have been taking some of these advise comments off of other pages and saving them for this! And a lot of them are from my hands on experience! First- believe and trust in The Lord, lean on him and shout out to him! Always keep what I call a Gotta Go bag in this bag is extra clothing, hygiene, medications, medical supplies, extension cord, phone chargers and our Cancer Bible! Keep a Cancer Bible- its the next to the best thing besides our Bible! Document everything, make what we call The Cancer Bible! It contains every piece of information from day one, list of medications, allergies, dr visits, hospital stays, comments, Dr, nurses names, phone numbers EVERYTHING! Keep yourself healthy, and rested because if you are down then your loved one wont get the care he/she needs Have Patience Take it one day at a time Dont focus on tomorrow -- Take pictures of your love one, even if they say NO more pictures! Because this journey is a long one and you will always have something to look back on Do what I do- play the 100 question game! Have a pencil and paper and every day until all 100 questions are asked you ask two random questions a day! And they have to answer both by end of day! Questions can be from childhood, marriage, fun times they had, old flames, stunts, and how cancer change them! Your loved one will not always have good days and i promise you they come far and in between! Remember they get lonely and they need and want friendship, family! And there are days where they do not want company period! RESPECT that! Allow their closest friends/ siblings to be a part! Help change dressings, maybe hook an IV fluid up! Involve them especially if they want to learn and help! Remember your doing the best that you can do and at times you feel it isnt enough or someone may say something negative on how you are caring for your loved one! Dont feel guilty. EVER!!! Have a support team. Dont do it alone. Rather it is online on Facebook, church or work! Laugh, it will help you get through it all love them, think of yourself in their place. Remember we are human so it IS ok to cry.. understand their need for dignity and privacy! It can and will be a challenging but it is worth it Do not lose YOU in the process!!! Breathe!! Patience!! NO Guilt!! Dont take everything they say to heart. They are scared and hurting just like you. Have gratitude for the time you will have with your loved one. It may be a thankless job, but what will you have when they are gone? QTIP --Quit Taking It Personally. be strong and be willing to put them above yourself and not to be selfish...the most rewarding feeling is taking care of a loved one and getting to spend precious time with them and it makes what we do so worthwhile... Not one day will be the same as others... Make Memories that will last forever It is emotional, physical, and mental all at the same time. Dont look too far ahead. Keep your faith at hand. Thats what will get you through. Know that they will take out their frustrations on the one closest to them the caregiver,,,which they would not normally do if they were not sick You will never regret what you did for your loved one and you will wish you could have done more, enjoy your time with them, it will seem so short when they are gone Dont be overwhelmed by the journey focus only on one step at a time. Be prepared for many emotions never underestimate the value of positive thinking. Enjoy the high days to give you strength for the low days Must have self-love, commitment, education,self-control, push the guilt devil away Always goes above and beyond Remember that we all have individual needs That every day is a new day and a new chance to do the next best thing. Its all a work in progress and there will be days when nothing seems to go right. But they may be followed by days when at least one thing does go right. Go easy. Be kind to yourself. Be still and realize that even when things are getting you down, there is still beauty and joy to be found if youre willing to look for them and accept them in the smallest of things - a smile, a gesture, hearing a great laugh, reading a poem, a blue sky, the sound of morning birds, a hug, a handshake, a nice hot cup of tea shared with a friend or drunk alone in a moment of silent contemplation, a beautiful piece of art, or myriad other things. Use all the resources. U can get! Youll need it! People cant read your mind, you do need to ask. this time is precious live for the moment, Remember that you are not alone Keep your sense of humor. Laugh whenever you can Be honest about your feelings, Even saying out loud where no one can hear Love always Momma Cindy
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:24:35 +0000

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