Here are the 17 questions by Kejriwal to Modi : Question 1: We - TopicsExpress


Here are the 17 questions by Kejriwal to Modi : Question 1: We got to know that the Gujarat government is demanding to raise the prices of gas extraction from KG Basin. However, UPA government has already ordered to increase the gas extraction prices from $4/unit to $8/unit which has triggered a massive furore. If you become PM, will you increase the gas prices to $16? Question 2: Is this true that the Gujarat government is purchasing solar energy at the rate of Rs 13/unit and that too without floating any tenders for the same. While the Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka government are buying it for Rs 7.5/unit and Rs 5.5/unit respectively even after going through proper tenders. Why is your government buying electricity at such high prices? Question 3: Everywhere you claim that agriculture growth rate in Gujarat is 11 per cent but the same state government says that the agriculture production in Gujarat during 2006-07 stood at Rs 27,815 crore and in 2012-13 the same depreciated to Rs 25,908 crore. This signifies that during your tenure the agriculture growth has declined and the annual agriculture growth stands at -1.18 per cent. Considering all these facts and figures, on what basis do you claim 11 per cent agriculture growth? Question 4: More than 2/3rd of the small and medium enterprises in Gujarat have closed down in the past 10 years. We have seen this in Mehsana where 140 units out of 187 have been shut down. Hence, whats your development model? Do you want to close down all the small and medium business units across the nation and give the power to certain corporate families of your choice? Question 5: Everywhere you keep claiming that corruption has been eradicated in Gujarat but it is still rampant in various departments from top to bottom as up to Rs 10 lakh were demanded for the appointment of a talati (a revenue official). To avail facility of BPL cards, Indira Awas Yojana, industrial licenses one has to pay bribe to get the work done. People are fed up of corruption in Gujarat. Then how can you claim that corruption has been eradicated in Gujarat? Question 6: You have inducted people like Babu Bokharia in your ministry who is convicted for three years in an illegal mining case. And, Purshottam Solanki who is an accused in a Rs 450-crore fishery scam. Didnt you find any honest person for your ministries out of 6 crore Gujaratis? Question 7: People say that you have very close relations with Mukesh Ambani. Why have you given energy and mining ministries in Gujarat government to a person who is son-in-law of the Ambani family? Why are you doing this? Question 8: The Gujarat is in a very bad state of unemployment. Recently, for the 1500 vacancies of talati more than 13 lakh candidates had filed their applications. With such state how do you claim that you have given the solution to the problem of unemployment in the state. Question 9: Your government is exploiting youths by paying them just Rs 5,300 per month that too on a contractual basis for the past five years. Do you think a person can run his family in just Rs 5,300 per month? Question 10: Do you think that its the responsibility of the government to provide education to the poor people? We have been visiting various areas of Gujarat for the past few days and have seen that the state of government schools is very poor. We have seen colleges where only three teachers teach 600 students. How can a nation grow with such state of education? Question 11: Do you think that its the responsibility of the government to provide health services to the poor? Medical and health services across the state are crippled. The services are marred by corruption. With this condition, why are you making such tall claims about the health and medical services of Gujarat? Question 12: Farmers in Gujarat are fed up of your government as you are avoiding them in terms of Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for their crops due to which they are compelled to commit suicide. In the past few years, 800 farmers have committed suicide in Gujarat as the government has stopped subsidies for them. Question 13: Throughout the nation you are saying that your government is providing electricity to every village in the state. But we got to know that for the past several years four lakh farmers are waiting to get the electricity connection. Then why do you make the hollow claims pertaining to electricity crisis? Question 14: Your government snatched the land of poor farmers and gave it to the few industrialists at throwaway prices. Ambanis and Adanis have got it for just Rs 1 per square metre. Why are you so cruel to farmers? Question 15: To provide water to the people in Kutch region the height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam was increased in 2005 but even after 8 years the Kutch people have not been provided water but some of the industrialists are getting regular water supply for their businesses? Why such disparity? Question 16: In Punjab, you had assured that the Sikh farmers of Kutch will not be deprived of the land allotted to them but your government has filed a case against them. Why dont you withdraw the case? Question 17: You tour various areas through private choppers. How many such choppers do you have? Who owns these choppers? How much do you pay for these choppers? Or is someone else paying for your tours? Why dont you make these expenses public? Please modiji javab do aur dikhado gujrat ka development kejriwal ko
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:00:53 +0000

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