Here are the 5 Types of Girlfriends out there: 1. Miss - TopicsExpress


Here are the 5 Types of Girlfriends out there: 1. Miss Independent This type of girlfriend is very demanding and authoritative. She is her own boss and not dependent on anyone but herself. Her “I’m always right” attitude can get to you at times but being with her can be intellectually rewarding. The great part about being with a woman like this is that she will always give you your space because she will need hers. Fiercely independent and fiercely loyal, she’s as good as they come! Pro Tip: Keep the infamous male ego in your back pocket, better still burn it! 2. The Damsel in Distress This type of girlfriend is the kind you see in bad B grade, romantic Bollywood film. She does not have a mind of her own and will be cliched beyond belief. She’s spineless when it comes to decision making and will depend on you to walk her through everything. She is not the kind of girl you want to take home and introduce to your family, unless you want to fan your hero complex! 3. Motor Mouth The motor mouth, as the name suggests, suffers from verbal diarrhea. She will pick your brain about your life and then will explain every aspect of hers in excruciating detail! She will also poke around the lives of those who silently pass her by. She will bore you to death if you aren’t an avid listener. She can either be extremely positive or be a reckless and negative gossip monger. Pick out the positive, honest one – she’ll ensure you thrive on her energy. 4. The Wild one This type of girl is impossible to tie down but you will grow to love her as time goes by. She is always ready to drink you under the table, go hiking in the rain and is quite uninhibited. She is fun but so unpredictable that you never know when she will drive off the cliff with you in the car. Men, you need to think out of the box to woo this kind of a woman. 5. Wonder woman This type of girl is just perfect. She balances her work and personal life with ease, adores you and loves experimenting with adventure. The only catch is that she is so busy being awesome, she might not have too much time for you, especially if you are the “we have to spend every waking moment together” kind of guy. Assuming you have landed god’s gift to mankind, hold on to her because she will flee at the slightest hint of insecurity!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:17:16 +0000

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