Here are the cards Angels, blessings to all. CARD 1 = STARFISH = - TopicsExpress


Here are the cards Angels, blessings to all. CARD 1 = STARFISH = LET GO IT IS SAFE TO LET GO OF WORRY & HURT. The worry & hurt you hold onto are clouding your mind & preventing you from being the best you can be, in life & love. They prevent you from living in the moment. Letting go involves forgiveness & acceptance of what has been. It involves trusting that there is life after drama & worries. What you are hanging onto is hurting you more then anyone & it is blocking you from giving & receiving love. What you are finding the hardest to let go of is what you need to let go of now. You have become used to & expect stress& worries in your life, so it is difficult for you to feel comfortable with peace. Many times you worry when you dont need to. Dear worried soul, as you turn your focus to other things & people you will free yourself from repetitive dramas & misfortunes, reclaim your energy & allow more positive people into your life. You cannot change what is done BUT you can change how you feel now & how you step into tomorrow. Free yourself to focus on love, on something that is positive & beautiful for you. Trust your Spirit team are with you. You are safe & it is right to let this thing go. Visualise yourself peacefully letting the rope (these worries & hurts) go. CARD 2 = LAYING MERMAID = SPIRITUAL CONNECTION TAKE TIME TO CONNECT WITH YOUR SPIRIT TEAM. You feel something is missing from you..that you are looking for someone or something....An amazing connection awaits you..a spiritual connection. Your Spirit team are consists of spirit guides, angels & loved ones that have passed, Archangels & Ascended Masters are willing to serve you on your human journey. This is what they are there for...this is the connection that needs to be made so you can move forward in your life. This is the part of you that is waiting to unfold. Follow that inner call now, the call to the love light that is deep within you. It is here that you will find us, it is here you will meet us....the keepers of your spirit. Spend time practicing connecting with us, your team of helpers, in whichever way works for you. Seek connection with the source of all is from here you will feel grounded & it is from here, from this love & support, that you can move forward with ease in this human life in love & in purpose. Trust your intuition & look for the signs...We are here. CARD 3 = SEAHORSE = INDEPENDENCE BEING INDEPENDENT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO BE ALONE. You are so used to doing things on your own or for yourself. From such a young age you have learned to take care of yourself as no one is going to do it for you. This takes such strength however it does tend to keep others away from you. When you cried out for your needs to be met as a child, when you were upset or felt in danger, they were not met or were ignored- you did not feel supported. You have since convinced yourself that you dont need anybody. At the first sign of connection you disappear or withdraw. You knowingly or unknowingly sabotage any possibility of connection as you fear that if you state your needs, they will not be met by another,. This is so hurtful to you that you would rather not risk it. You are most likely of the mindset that if you have someone, great; if you dont, you dont mind. You are always keeping your sensitivities, hurts & vulnerabilities suppressed, while secretly longing to connect with another. As challenging as it may be to create a deep & safe connection you need to be vulnerable. You need to be able to express your hurts & pains & not just run away. Start with saying to yourself - I must try I want to try. Voice your concerns & speak your truths lovingly with yourself & others when you feel like running away or turning off. You are human, you all need each other. CARD 4 = VALUES = REASSESS WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU NOW. What you think is important or not is really preventing you from giving & receiving the love you deeply desire to experience. Your current value system has formed over time as a measure of protection against feeling hurt, rejection or disappointment. It is important for you now to spend time figuring out what your values are, what is truly the most important for you & how this affects your love life. It is also important to think about what you value about yourself. You are being asked to look at what is really important to you at the moment & ask yourself why. You are a valuable being. You have much to offer. There are deeper virtues that your soul holds valuable that you are are being called to connect with now. As you come to understand what these deeper, true values are, you will value others more, you will value yourself more & you will demand that others value you.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:19:40 +0000

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