Here are the details of the love flash mob in case you werent able - TopicsExpress


Here are the details of the love flash mob in case you werent able to see the shared story I posted earlier! A couple of you messaged me to say you couldnt read it all. Here are the details from Jill: LOVE FLASH MOB TIME!!!!!!!! There is a lot of story to this one, so bear with me. Meet 4 year old Malena!! I first saw Malenas Caring Bridge page ( last spring posted by my college friend, Patty, in Duluth. Since reading, I have found out that Becky (Malenas mom) grew up in Monticello for a time, is actually connected with some of my high school peeps and even went to prom with a friend from church! If you read through past journal entries on Malenas CB page, you will see all of the medical details laid out and that Becky is a single mom with two daughters. Malena was showing alarming symptoms that led Becky to press hard with her pediatrician which led to the discovery of a tumor in her brain that is putting pressure on her hypothalamus. This creates a life threatening in-balance of her sodium levels that requires A LOT of day to day monitoring. Their first biopsy gave them little to no direction for a long term plan. Since the spring, Becky has sought out a second opinion and they are moving forward with another brain tumor biopsy which will hopefully lead to answers and a better plan to help alleviate the difficult day to day symptoms. The pre-biopsy determination of what this is on behalf of the doctors is a certain kind of tumor and the best doctors for the treatment of this specific tumor are in ARIZONA. Having visited a different friend and her daughter at Amplantz numerous times, I always left heartbroken and confused passing by each room with little buddies hooked up to machines, often with no family in the room. My friend and I asked a nurse one night why so many are left alone? She said one of the main reasons is because of work/finances/insurance. I did not like thinking about making that choice, leaving my baby alone in a hospital room, yet understanding the consequences of not providing. UGH. Lose-Lose. It tugged my heart in a way I will never forget. I have been asked A LOT recently when are you going to do another one of those Love Flash Mob thingies again and have been praying and paying close attention to who God puts in my path. Then the CB post on November 12 popped up on my phone. I read it and cried. GOSH DARNIT why is it SO hard for us to ask for and accept help? I cheered for her step of faith, knew I wanted our family to give in a small way and then in that moment I knew that this was it. The next LOVE FLASH MOB recipient! Then I got scared and didnt say a word to anybody. Then I heard Bob Goff speak and he rang my bell...DO NOT BE AFRAID. DO NOT BE AFRAID. Ok, ok, afterwards over chips and guac I shared with Heath, Chad and Tina what I was thinking, they immediately cheered and said YES! Because of the nature of this recipient being a child, I filled in Becky on the front end. Here is a snippet of her email response to me upon finding out our loose plan: To be honest Ive been pretty stressed out about what Ill face as far as finances in the next few months, Im picking up as many extra shifts as I can before Malenas treatment begins. I opened her benefit account but as of yet Im the only person who has contributed- Ive prayed that God would speak to anyone who can afford to help us- I know how tight things are for people around the Holidays. This email is an answer to prayers- Im crying and scared and happy and thankful all at once. Anyone who feels that God wants them to help us, needs to know that it is more than a little bit appreciated. I never pictured myself in this position, in such a place of need...Ive been taking one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, trusting that God will provide at the right time. THANK YOU for even the consideration of helping. I am so grateful. What an answer to prayer you are, really! The needs we COULD meet: -The next time they are in Minneapolis for the biopsy, there is a financial need as Becky will miss work, travel and the cost of living at the hospital. ALSO we need 4 people to sign up for a trip to the hospital with a home cooked item and prayer. -Being it is Christmas time, Id like to put some money on gift cards so Becky can do her Christmas shopping without worry! -Anything else we raise will go towards the longterm financial plan, specifically Arizona travels. Also, if anybody has miles we can donate to them, thatd be like the cherry on top! Instructions: Say IM IN on my FB post! I will compile a FB message that gives further detailed instructions on how to send money and other specifics. Remember, anywhere from $1-$25 can be given. Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.-Mother Theresa Sooooooo here we all are, together via the sometimes annoying, but yet in this moment GOOD GOOD Facebook land. I have been praying over this, that God would move in us and we would be able to shout LOVE DOES together as we shower this family with His love!!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:42:10 +0000

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