Here are the first 15 vs of a beautiful Upanishad which is part of - TopicsExpress


Here are the first 15 vs of a beautiful Upanishad which is part of the authoritive base for Sthapatya veda and Vaastu Shastras. My Shilpi Guru said that it begins with the students addressing their Rishi, Mayan - the preceptor of Vaastu Shastras and Sthapatya Veda. This is a simply beautiful and elegant text. First 15 vs. Shilpa Vidya Rahasyopanishad 1. Now, let us transmit, in an expositional process, the essential message of the “Shilpa Vidya Rahasyopanishad.” 2. The disciple, with all the submissiveness, having prostrated himself at the feet of the Supreme Preceptor, who has perfectly mastered the essential sciences enshrined in all the Vedas and Agamas, and who sustains himself by his own highly perfected wisdom and power of transmission, asks with a sense of inquisitiveness. 3. “O, my Lord of masterfulness, kindly impart to me the secret of the essential science related to the greatly honored Shilpa” – thus he asked. 4. The (favorably disposed) master spoke to him: 5. He who does not know the exact meaning of the Vedic dictum “anoraniyan mahatomahiyan” is not capable of understanding the subtle principle of the science of Shilpa. 6. Therefore, be with a keen and active mind! 7. There irradiatingly shines forth the supreme Primal Existence (Almighty), which is beyond all those comprehended by speech and mind, which is interminable, which is self-expressive, which is brimming with brilliancy, which is eternal, untouched by modifications, unstained, inexplicable, exceedingly pure, immortal, and the undivided whole. 8. The root cause for the emergence of entire world-system originates in his mind (i.e., his will, iccha). All the world-systems become harmoniously and systematically well–conceived, through the creative ideations of his mind. 9. It is that Supreme Almighty who, of his own spontaneous will, becomes the primal seed and source of the entire range of the manifold millions of the vast cosmic spheroids. 10. Apart and as different from him, nothing exists. Even though he is formless, he assumes upon himself the state of being associated with form. The state of being formless and that of being associated with form – these two modes belong to him as his innate nature. 11. In this way, that the scientific and orderly creation of the world system gets commenced. 12. Verily, he is the performer, seer and progenitor, who performs the sacrifice of creation by offering the entire range of world-systems as oblation to the sacrificial fire. In this way, he becomes engulfed by the spontaneous upsurge of desire to create the cosmic system. 13. Because of these activities in the form of creation, protection, and complete withdrawal of all the world systems, He becomes widely known as Vishwakarma. In Him, all these world-systems got conceived in this way. He created the entire range of cosmic system full of visible and invisible forms. His mind, which is essentially of the form of creative ideations, orderly conceives of he entire range of harmonious and perfect form (Shilpam). 14. He, Vishwakarma, the Designer and Creator of all, is indeed the Supreme Primal Existence. Therefore he becomes known as the First and Foremost Designer of forms. 15. Whichever is designed and created by the mind of All-doer, all of those creations become characteristically known as “Shilpa.”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:45:00 +0000

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