Here are the four amendments. They do not ban dried female - TopicsExpress


Here are the four amendments. They do not ban dried female flowers. My thanks to all of you for providing your input to me and to Rep. Jones. Here are the four amendments to the bill we are proposing. As you will see, they do not prohibit dried female flowers suitable for a vaporizer. It is clear that this option -- as well as maintaining sufficient THC levels and making cannabis available in all current forms -- will remain in our bill. If you speak to legislators or the press, I hope you will stress that our goal is to take patients off the illicit market and provide them safe and effective options for using cannabis. Keeping dried flowers in the mix (that patients can vaporize or use in cooking or infused oils that the patient makes herself) is important to accomplish both of those goals. Here are the suggested amendments: Amendments to HB 1385, the Koozer-Kuhn Medical Cannabis Act 1. Section 3, number 2 Revise this sentence to read: Cannabis means any mixture or preparation thereof from the leaves and flowers of the female cannabis plant, but does not include seeds, stalks or roots of the plant. 2. Section 3, part 13 (add this sentence at the end of 13) Regulated dispensaries shall be housed in locations that are not visible or accessible to members of the general public other than Safe Access patients or their caregivers. 3. Section 5, part b (After the first sentence of this section, add the following: That enrollment process shall include instructing patients on their options for obtaining cannabis mixtures and preparations and the safest and most effective methods for their use. 4. Create a new Section 7 as follows: The Safe Access program shall be funded by a ten percent (10%) gross receipts tax on the retail sale of cannabis by regulated dispensaries. Excess revenues over and beyond what are needed to administer the Safe Access program will be used to provide supplemental funding for indigent health care, substance abuse treatment and school-based substance abuse prevention programming. 5. Renumber the current Section 7 as Section 8 Thats what we are going with. I hope it is more acceptable to all of you that what had been threatened regarding the bill. Well just have to keep making the case that being able to inhale cannabis vapors remains part and parcel of safe access to medical cannabis. If any of you have any comments, please send them on. Thanks kindly. Bernie
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:04:58 +0000

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