Here are the messages to the number you chose from the angels - TopicsExpress


Here are the messages to the number you chose from the angels wanting to speak. Heres the original posting. TIME FOR SOMETHING FUN!! While Id love to pull a few angel tarot cards for you, thats not what Im prompted to do. Instead, the angels want you to see where youre headed a different way delivering messages directly from them. Ill have 6 channeled messages. Please choose a number between 1-6 commenting below. AA Michael, Goddess Kuan Yin, AA Uriel, Goddess Sedna, AA Raphael, and also Metatron will be guiding you on your journey this time. You wont know which one is which number. Heck, I dont know which one at this point. Just choose a number that is resonating with you. Check back here at 8:00 PM Central time zone to see what theyve got cookin. The messages that follow are giving you tidbits of information which will help guide you through life changing transformations that are happening or are beginning to happen to you. All of the angels speaking are here for you, and will begin walking by your side helping you transition into the new person you’re growing into. There’s been a major energetic opening allowing for transitioning and apparently all of you are in it. To make it an easy transition for yourself, let your guide(s) know you’re willingly accepting their help. At the end of each channel there is a solution for you to give a try that should help you in the long run move through your transformations. 1- AA Michael. As one of the most well know angels. He’s a protector, leader, and an avenger. He’ll not let anyone take advantage of you. I’m here to guide you through the maze of non-belief you’re currently in. Even with all the information out there about us, you still have a hard time believing we can and will help you through your transitions in life. I’m here to help escort you through the smoke screen of fear you have in place keeping you from transforming into the new person you hear calling. That voice inside you is telling you it’s time to change, and yet you resist. It’s time you allow yourself to let go of old outdated material possessions, people who try to hold you back, and places that no longer feel good to you. You’re transitioning into a stronger individual. Stronger than you’ve ever been before. It’s time you let go, surrender yourself to the new person that’s growing inside of you, and trust that I will protect you through the maze you’ll be working your way through. Letter writing...Get quiet and sit calm. Focus on any person, place or thing that needs to be removed from your existence. Do not doubt what’s coming. When you see clearly what/who is showing up, begin to write letters to them. Voicing what’s coming to you about how your life is changing and how you still honor that particular person, place or thing, but it will no longer hold the importance to you that it has in the past. After you’ve done this burn the letters setting the energy free allowing it to move on and out of your existence. 2- Goddess Sedna. Sedna is all about sacrificing. When she’s working with you, she’ll not let you sacrifice yourself to anyone. She teaches you how to learn the fine art of balance when it comes to giving yourself away. Meaning you’ll be learning when to say no. I love all of gods creatures. But, most of all, I love you!! I’m here to help you believe in yourself. Helping you to put aside thoughts that others are more important than you are. Your time is valuable even though you may not think so. You give others the opportunity to control your thoughts and life. It’s time you stop sacrificing your happiness just to make others feel better. They rarely put you first in any of their endeavors, however you always put everyone ahead of yourself. And, almost always, you’re the one that gets hurt. Today is the day you begin to transition out of giving yourself away. Today is your beginning to a new path. One where you become important in your mind which leads to gaining respect. Which leads to you leaving behind hurt, and shame, and instead, adopt the belief that your worth respect and honor. Affirmations. Search out as many affirmations affirming your power. Affirmations allowing you to empower yourself and your existence. One that was given tonight is: I am an important individual with a special purpose for this lifetime. When I allow my self to believe this I am free to grow. You find the rest that resonate with you. 3- Metatron. He is an Archangel, and a transformer that changes your life. this is why he comes to me looking like those children’s transformer toys. I wince everytime he comes to me, because I know at that moment my life is going to change forever more. He breaks you down putting you back together totally different. If you haven’t felt it already, you’re being broken down, torn apart piece by piece and then reframed into a new being. Your life as you’ve known it will come to an end. No, you’re not going to die literally of course. But, spiritually your gaining your wings. However, there is a lot that needs transforming in your life. I’m here to help move you through this path. I’ll help you transform into the blessed being you’re about to become. No longer will you be able to hide behind the facade you currently have in place. Playing small in life will no longer work for you. Although, to this date, you’ve yet to allow yourself to blossom, and this is precisely why I am here. I’ll help you discard parts of your thoughts that no longer work for your highest good. Parts of your life that needs transforming will start changing right before your eyes. No need to worry though. You’ll have me by your side escorting you while I help you break down those parts that are no longer necessary. Wonder Woman pose. Whether man or woman, stand with your feet spread apart with your hands firmly placed on your waste just as the TV persona was depicted. Looking into a mirror voice to yourself that you’re accepting of the new stronger you that’s being transformed for at least two minutes a day. 4- AA Raphael. He who heals the body. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even financially. You’re about to undergo a transitioning through your body. Your body has taken a physical beating and it’s time you start to help it. Healing becomes easy as I show you where to go, what to do, and whom will be helping you as an earth angel. You’re eating habits will begin to change. There’ll be a gradual decline of unwanted foods creating your body, and spirit, to fade into an unrecognizable you. As you’ve taken on pain to your body you’ve gained the knowledge of fearing that nothing can be done. However, you are wrong in this thought process. I’m here to guide you into new areas of healing. You’ll no longer be beholding to the thought you cannot heal, which then, also leads you to health within your spiritual self along with emotional well-being, and also, your finances will start an upward climb. Edgar Casey’s Castor Oil packs. Do your research on how to properly do these. Although, Castor oil packs should be placed in the stomach region over your digestive area doing these at least three to four times a week for at least a month or more. 5- AA Uriel. Uriel illuminates hidden meaning connecting you to God’s wisdom. He teaches and keeps you focused on your path. I’m here to teach you a new way of living. You’re lost, and there is only a dim light shining for you to see your way. It’s not confusion in the mind. It’s a lack of knowledge on how to proceed. I’m here to teach you everything you’ll be needing to know. Your focus is out of balance not because something is wrong, but because your kundalini energy is low. Kundalini is a force (energy) that resides within your soul. When you refuse to follow your own intuitive guidance there’s a part of you that dies a little each time. I’m here to transform all of this, teaching you along the way. However, you will need to believe with all your being, that there is a higher supreme power (God, Source, Universe), and with this belief, you’ll begin to grow into the new you you’ve been putting off becoming. Seek out Kundalini Mantras such as Breath of Fire- giving you more energy. Sa Ta Na Ma- helping you move forward on your path. Cross Heart Kitankriya Meditation-Helps you clear any energy in your heart center clearing pain and burdens from the past which then illuminates your future. 6- Goddess Kuan Yin. She who shows us how to have compassion for all living things especially ourselves. Near and dear to my heart, I’ve worked with this goddess since my path has begun. Now, you too, will get to know her as well as I do. I’m here helping you transition into the beloved being you are. You still hold back the essence of who you are. Although you’ve become much stronger, I still want to remind you of your own deserving factor to making yourself happy. This is your day to begin allowing compassion for yourself more deeply than ever before. You’re a child of god so deserving of all your wants to be met. I’m here to help escort your belief system into never losing sight to the fact that you deserve to have the man/woman of your dreams. The dream job you’ve been romancing. And, as you work on yourself, all the wonders of the world are opening up to you now. It’s my job to help you to never lose focus on what you want, and how you certainly deserve to have compassion and strength for yourself which leads into a deep understanding of how to compassionately love all of gods creations deep within the well of your own heart. This is accomplished because with love, all things grow. So, starting with yourself, loving unconditionally the you your transforming into allows your love to grow and expand to the universe and beyond. Your work helps open the energetic pathway to a healing love for earth and all of mankind. Flower Essences. Bach’s original 38. Sometimes better left up to the professionals such as myself to direct you even further. However, you could consider using Larch for confidence building. Centaury, for not allowing yourself to be a push over any longer. Willow for wishing forgiveness to yourself, and every other living person/creature on this earth. Cerato, to enable you to stop searching for the answers....they are within you. And another good one for this time would be Elm to help with some of the overwhelming feelings of being out of control while you transition. Oh, and Walnut to help you transition and protect you along the way. Happy transitioning everyone!! Strength is with you now and always.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 01:11:36 +0000

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