Here are the minutes of last months MCSWain MAC meeting. Please - TopicsExpress


Here are the minutes of last months MCSWain MAC meeting. Please get involved and support our beautiful neighborhood. McSwain Municipal Advisory Council McSwain Elementary School 926 N. Scott Rd., Merced, CA 95340 MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, January 23, 2014 The January 23, 2014 meeting of the McSwain Municipal Advisory Council was called to order by Chairperson, Darren Olguin, at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call Those in attendance: Darren Olguin, Gerald Solano and Pam Schroeder. Maria Skordos-Moore arrived late. Toby Soares was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Olguin. Approval of Agenda A motion was made by Pam Schroeder and seconded by Gerald Solano to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 3-0. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Gerald Solano and seconded by Pam Schroeder to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried 3-0. Public Opportunity to Speak on any Matter within the Council’s Jurisdiction that is not on the Agenda (5 minute time limit) 1. Louise Farley representing State Senator Anthony Canella addressed the Advisory. She talked about the changing of the senatorial district and that Senator Canella was running for re-election. She informed us of the Medi-Cal fraud and cyber stalking bills that the Senator was working on. Also, he has been named to the Little Hoover Commission. 2. Ryan Heller representing Assemblyman Adam Gray also addressed the advisory. He talked about what the Assemblyman is working on in regards to drought and water storage projects, as well as infrastructure upgrades for the Central Valley. 3. Ezio Sansoni represented concerns about Bear Creek and Black Rascal Creek flowing through McSwain. He said that it appears that there is an abundance of gray water in the creek creating an unpleasant odor. He said that it may be coming from the Franklin Water District or a leak somewhere in the City of Merced’s storm drain system. He is also concerned that the creeks are not being maintained and that could cause flooding issues with a heavy rain or run-off. 4. There was a question about the street light CalTrans has promised at Buhach and Hwy 140. Reports 1. Sherriff Department Deputy Delray Shelton and Jimmy Pacheco talked about what the community can expect from the Sheriff’s Dept and what we can do to help them. The concern in the community is the increase in daytime burglaries and mail theft. Deputy Shelton can be reached at 385-7608 or [email protected] Sheriff Dispatch is 385-7445 Traffic enforcement is the responsibility of the CHP. 2. Cal Fire Gabriel Santos, Battalion Chief talked about the increase of structure fires and the need to maintain chimneys and to check your smoke detectors. There are dry fire conditions because of the drought and there is a need to conserve water. Reminded everyone about the need for a flu shot and good hand washing practices during flu season. Cal-Fire is working on a smoke detector program that will distribute and install detectors. Old smoke detectors can be thrown out with the regular trash. 3. County Planning Dave Gilbert Major Subdivision Application No. MAS13-002 is a request to divide 27.88 acres into 24 one acre residential lots and a drainage basin. The project is located at the southwest corner of Fleming Road and Herrod Avenue, in the Atwater area. The property is located in the Atwater Rural Residential Center, is designated Agricultural Residential land use in the General Plan and zoned A-R (Agricultural Residential). Those in attendance presented these concerns: The effect 24 new wells would have on current wells during the drought More traffic on already bad roads Density of septic systems Water flow and pressure for fire fighting The Planning Commission is schedule to hold a hearing for this project on February 26, 2014 at 9 am. A motion was made by Pam Schroeder and seconded by Gerald Solano to have Mr. Gilbert carry our concerns to the Planning Commission about the effects on wells, traffic, septic systems and fire protection this project would have on the surrounding community. Motion carried 3 – 0 4. Parks and Recreation There is $349,000 in development fees designated for parks and recreation in the McSwain area. The MAC will be exploring what we can sue this money for and what we want for our community. Project approval will lie with the Board of Supervisors. Currently, the Board of Supervisors is re-writing Ordinance 1575 which covers Parks and Recreation Commissions. It is being proposed that the responsibility for McSwain Parks and Recreation will come part of the duties of the McSwain Municipal Advisory Council.  Old Business 1. The owner of the fence along SP Avenue has not responded to requests to abate graffiti and repair the fence. 2. Kinder Morgan will be removing the tanks at SP and Buhach sometime this year. 3. The McSwain Advisory Council has a mailbox at Postal Connection at 1120 Commerce Circle, #132 Atwater, CA 95301 Council Member Comments No comments Supervisor’s Comments 1. Merced County has approved the new General Plan. Policy LU-3.4 states that there will be no expansion of the rural residential cente There will be buffer zones around current rural residential centers A-1 zoning will not allow parcels smaller than 20 acres, but allow boundary shifts to maintain family home sites. 2. There is now a 4 way stop at Applegate and Atwater Jordan Rd. The issue is line of sight because of the orchard on property owned by the City of Atwater. 3. Governor’s Budget Supervisor Davis gave us an overview of the proposed State budget. 4. Castle There are exciting things happening. Rules for marketing property changed and are enhancing development efforts. 5. Supervisor Davis is running for re-election. 6. Funding for the High Speed Rail is in the Governor’s Budget. CSAC, California State Association of Counties, is opposing this. 7. Castle Air Museum Tours of the Presidential plane are available Fundraising pasta dinner on January, 25, 2014. A motion was made by Pam Schroeder and seconded by Gerald Solano to adjourn the meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Pam Schroeder
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:45:39 +0000

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