Here are the remarks I gave before the House GOP Conference - TopicsExpress


Here are the remarks I gave before the House GOP Conference earlier today to second the nomination of Raul Labrador to be House Majority Leader: My constituents cheered the defeat of Eric Cantor last week. This wasn’t about Eric, who served honorably and is a good man, but instead represents a feeling – held by millions of our fellow Americans – that Washington, DC does not work for them. Erics defeat was a vote of no confidence regarding the Beltway establishment. The American people are constantly beat down by a biased media, a lawless and incompetent administration, and a corrupt Senate majority leader. They wonder whether anyone in Washington is listening to them. If we simply move the next guy in line up the leadership ladder, then most Americans will see that for what it is: the Washington political class protecting its own at the expense of the wishes of the American people. Raul Labrador is the only candidate running whose election will fundamentally change politics in Washington. He is a skilled communicator who will be able to break through the liberal assumptions of the media elite and articulate limited government principles. He is also a fluent Spanish speaker who is capable of taking the conservative message to a broad cross-section of Americans. I am pleased to second the nomination of a man whose election will send a clear message to the American people that we are listening to them.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:32:04 +0000

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