Here are the samples sent in. Feel free to read, laugh, cry - TopicsExpress


Here are the samples sent in. Feel free to read, laugh, cry lol Many travelers dream of traveling to Paris for a holiday filled with romance, beauty, and culture. As a city, it is known for endless museums, world class shopping, and high-end fashion. Paris has a lot to offer the traveler; however, some of the most well known attractions of the city are hardly worth the price or bother to get there. The Bastille When I was in high school, one of our required readings was the classic A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I remember being engrossed in this romantic tale of the peasants uprising against the tyranny of the aristocracy. The famous storming of the Bastille as depicted in literature and film sent hearts racing and sympathies flying for the underdog. If you think seeing this site will fill you with pride and patriotism, youre wrong. In fact, none of the original structure remains. The majority of Parisians dont even know where it is, so unless you are a hardcore history fanatic, seek out other historical treasures in the city. On another note, several vendors around the city will try selling bits of stone claiming it was an original piece of the Bastille. Nearly all of these are scams. Champs dElysees Although this avenue was once one of the most upscale shopping districts in the world today, its status has fallen. Champs dElysees is now full of chain stores that you can find nearly anywhere. The few upscale shops that still exist are full of overpriced merchandise and snooty sales people. The cafes can spot a tourist a mile away and will happily welcome you into their establishment by inflating their prices. My advice, take a quick walk through the area just to say youve been there and buy nothing more than a post card. Moulin Rouge Anyone who saw the very touching movie with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor should steer clear of the real attraction. The main reason being the real Moulin Rouge doesnt come near to living up to the movie version. The theater is tiny and dark, but this doesnt stop the establishment from packing theater goers in like sardines. The tickets are hugely overpriced (nearing 100 euro) for a show that is, at best, average. If you decide to have dinner with the performance expect to double your costs for food that is mediocre and bland. The Louvre I visited the Louvre museum, and outside of going through the entrance and a very brief stop at the Great Hall, I dont remember much. While it is true that Louvre houses some brilliant pieces of art, it isnt something Id make much effort to see again. It is far too big and impossible to see in one day. In fact, if a person were to stop and look at every piece of art on display for one second, it would take them more than a month to get through the entire structure. Most people go to the Louvre to see one piece of art in particular. That, of course, is DaVincis, Mona Lisa. The painting doesnt live up to expectations. Its small, in fact, it only about the size of an 8 x 10 photo. There is a constant crowd in front and you are moved along quite quickly. I found the Louvre, crowded, noisy, and really not worth spending a great amount of time in. My advice, buy one of the books at the gift shop and save yourself the time. Paris is a wonderful place to visit. It is a city of culture and history to be enjoyed. By avoiding the over priced tourist traps, your trip will be far more affordable and enjoyable. Close In my travels, which have been many I have had the opportunity to see some of the worlds most prized treasures. I have perused the grand halls of the world most famous museums but also taken time to peek into local galleries. Personally, Ive never been one for naked, marble statues or pictures of rolling landscapes. What makes a good tourist attraction is not the size or wealth of the object but the raw emotions it brings into your heart. The following are museums I have visited and places I have seen that have left me feeling an entire spectrum of emotions. Check Point Charlie Museum, Berlin At first glance, The Museum at Checkpoint Charlie appears to be nothing special. The museum is actually in the old army barracks on the former border of East and West Berlin. Upon entering things dont improve much more as it appears slightly thrown together and disorganized. What one has to remember is that this doesnt house prized relics and antiquities but bits of living history. You need to get up close and personal with what is there or this museum will disappoint. I remember first seeing the many devices and contraptions that people would use to sneak out of the east and into the west. Anything from large suitcases and car trunks often sufficed. A hot air balloon is on display along with one familys story of literally flying over the wall into West Berlin. Lumps began to form in my throat as I read the accounts of East and West German guards that were ordered to fire upon those that fled but missed intentional not having the heart to murder those that were in search of nothing more than a better life. As you walk through the museum you cant help but notice a large binder. This is stuffed full of the drawings of school children on both sides of the wall each showing what the other thought life was like on the other side. It is served to me as evidence that all our leaders accomplished by placing this monstrous barricade through the city did nothing but instill fear and suspicion into the hearts of a generation. The tour ends with videos of the night the Berlin Wall was toppled and reactions of friends and family that hadnt seen each other in decades. The final showing is the film of the night Germany officially re-unified into one nation again. Reviews of this museum vary depending on tastes of the individual. I personally found it amazing with every emotion passing through my body in the short time I was there. Anne Franks House, Amsterdam In 2000 I had the pleasure of visiting the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. I remember it like it was yesterday as our group were called in and we walked up the old staircase as the Franks must have done in a last attempt to save their lives. We entered the apartment via the same secret entrance they did and entered the space the Frank family and friends would call home for nearly 3 years. I read The Diary of Anne Frank in school but seeing this space really brought the book close to my heart. Everything is as it was and how they lived. In the downstairs section of the museum there are several interactive exhibits that are included in the price of the ticket. However, in my opinion, walking in the actual steps of the people was a far more memorable experience. Picasso Annex of the Prado, Madrid I had the pleasure of visiting The Prado Museum in 1990 when I was in a semester study abroad program. As museums go it was what you would expect from a structure of this size. It was full of old masterpieces by some Spains best known names. It was also full of its share of statues and ancient artifacts. What grabbed me was one of the annexes. At the time you had to pay extra to see it. I did and it was worth every Peseta. This annex housed the famous Guernica wall by Pablo Picasso. Guernica was a small town Spain that was nearly destroyed in the Spanish Civil War. I had seen, even owned a print of this work but it was something about seeing it in its full size that touched me. You feel almost as if you can step inside the painting and experience the pain, fear and suffering of the people at the time. Mothers of the Disappeared, Buenos Aires Argentina One if the first lines in the musical Evita is Outside the Casa Rosada crying Eva Peron. Outside the Casa Rosada also lies the Plaza de Mayo where the famous Mothers of the Disappeared gather. The Mothers of the Disappeared have been engaged in their non-violent protest since the 1980s. They circle the Plaza del Mayo as a way to speak out against the former military junta that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983. Anyone who dared speak out against this regime simply disappeared, most never to be heard from again. The Mothers gather to get answers to what happened to their children who stood in defiance. The Mothers are very approachable and will happily talk to you about what they are trying to accomplish. Close
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:52:32 +0000

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