Here at ministries We are constantly asked, How can you Prove that - TopicsExpress


Here at ministries We are constantly asked, How can you Prove that We are truly living in the endtimes This question is answered by using current events to Show how prophecies, that are Supposed to occur Just before the Second coming Jesus, CHRIST, Written 2,000-2,500 years ago, are coming to pass right now.that Take, for instance, the Pease Agreement that John Kerry is trying to get Signed Between Israel and the Palestinians by April 29 of this year. The signing of this peace agreement is a prophet event that the Bibie Says will Occur 7 years before that Second coming of JESUS CHRIST The Prophecy is found in Daniel 9:27, Which States: Thhe covenat, Mentioned in this Scripture, Is the Abrahamic Cooveant is a covenat in which God propmised the future land of Israel to Abraham and His decendants. Daniel 9:27 tells us that a Peace agreement will be SIGNED AND that this event will be the catalyst that launces us into the final 7 years before that Battle of Armageddon and Second coming of JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. if you follow the news that John Kerry is trying to move heaven And earth to get at least a framework deal on all of the core Issues (I.E. Brordrs, Settlements, refugees, Security and the Status of Jerusalem) Signed by April. Only a few weeks ago, Chief PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat Stated In the Jerusalem Post that a, Final peace accord wont be reached by April, but A framework deal might. Last week The JEREUSALEM Post reported that: US secretary of State John KERRY is Scheduled to meet separately with prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority president mahmoud Abbas Soon after his arrival Thursday afternoon to discuss his IDEAS for a framework agreement that would Serveas an outline for A final agreement. This is exactly what the Bible prophecies will happen. The agreement will be signed for a 7 years period and never finalized last week, the Jerusalem post reported that: Us Secretary of State John Kerry is Scheduled to meet separately with prtime minter Binyamin Netanyahu and palestinian Anthority President Mahmoud Abbas Soon after his arrival Thursday afternoon to discuss his Ideas for a framework agreement that would Serve as an outline for a final agreement. This is exactly What the Bible Propheaes Will happen. The Agreement will be Signed for A 7 Years Period and never finalized.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 03:18:00 +0000

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