Here comes the story of Asi. Actually she is from Akyaka and has a - TopicsExpress


Here comes the story of Asi. Actually she is from Akyaka and has a real sad story. She was dumped in Akyaka 2 years ago, heavily pregnant and was trying to survive on a construction site. Appearantly some really perverse children treated her rudely (to some eyes witnesses) even kicked her. Her babies did not survive, possibly were dead due to the travmas she had. People in Akyaka managed to sent her to the Mugla Shelter. There she was sterilized. She has all vacinations, is chipped and has a rabies antibody test, can be taken to an EU country any time. Character wise she is a real sunshine, needs a lot of human contact (despite what she has leaved through) very social both with other animals and human. She weights ca 12 kg and has a shoulder hight of 40-45 cm. We look forward to a nice home for her. (German version)........ Eine traurige Geschichte! Sie wurde auf einer Baustelle in Akyaka hochschwanger ausgesetzt..... Kurz vor ihre Entbindung wurde sie von älteren Kindern schlecht behandelt (man sagt sogar getreten) Die Babys waren schon tot als sie ihn entbunden hat. Wir hatten sie danach zum TH Mugla geschickt.....Wir denken sie ist ca. 3 Jahre alt, und ist schon kastriert und hat alle Impfungen und darf auch schon eingereist werden..... Sie wiegt ca 12 kg und hat eine Schulterhöhe von ca. 40-45 cm. Sehr Menschen bezogen und sozial.....
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 09:06:30 +0000

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