Here goes...much more than you EVER wanted to know about - TopicsExpress


Here goes...much more than you EVER wanted to know about me... 1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30ish am. 2. How do you like your steak? Medium 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? I love movies, but I cant remember.. 4. What is your favorite TV show? Walking Dead, Dexter, Forensic Files...kinda sensing a pattern here, huh? 5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Tropical.. 6. What did you have for breakfast? Bacon/egg/cheese crossiant and a diet coke...I know...not very healthy. 7. What is your favorite cuisine? all kinds of food. 8. What foods do you dislike? just looks nasty. Turnips.... 9. Favorite Place to Eat? I love Coltons, Texas RoadHouse....but I also love seafood-from the coast, preferably. 10. Favorite dressing? Honey Mustard or Ranch. 11.What kind of phone do you have? iPhone 3G...waiting for February...a birthday present to myself! 12. What are your favorite clothes? I have 2 jobs where I can dress casually-jeans and sweaters...but I love to get dressed up...just dont have much of an opportunity! Hint! 13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? I would love to travel...Ive been to Spain, France and Portugal...but that was years ago...I want to go back. 14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Depends on the day, but I like to think that Im fairly optimistic.---so 1/2 full. 15. Where would you want to retire? To a cabin in the mountains near a creek with a screened in back porch with a porch swing or somewhere tropical. Got to have my pets with me....and my music.. 16. Favorite time of day? Im a night owl.... 17. Where were you born? Waverly, Tennessee...and lived there until I went away to college to UT-Martin... 18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Im not much of a sports person. 19. Bird watcher? Nope...except watching them-trying to keep them from becoming my catss next meal. 20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Definitely a night person!! 21. Do you have any pets? I have 2 dogs, Elvis and Daisy...the boys wouldnt let me name her Priscilla....I tried....and 2 cats-Mimi Grace and Gizmo-or Momo for short. If I could, I would have more.. Im a sucker for the ASPCA commercials and every stray that comes along... 22. Any new and exciting news youd like to share? Nothing exciting in my life, right now. Its been a long and difficult year for me...I want it quiet for a while...a long while! 23. What did you want to be when you were little? A doctor--if my Uncle Doc had lived-I think I would have become one...that...and I wanted to marry ELVIS! 24. What is your best childhood memory? It would be impossible to pick one best one. I had a great childhood, a happy one...maybe, when my Daddy took me to the Ford dealership when I turned 16 and had bought me a Ford Maverick-it had bows on each hub cap-and white ribbons all over it-I drove it through town-and went up to show my best childhood friend, Janelle. 25. Are you a cat or dog person? I was always an ANIMAL person....I love both. 26. Are you married? No, Im widowed. My husband, Danny, died December 1, 2012. 27. Any pet peeves? I have a lot....I hate liars, and people who intentionally hurt others-with no consideration for the devastation that they leave. I hate cruelty. 28. Favorite Pizza Toppings? I like pepperoni, ham, bacon....I can handle sausage, but would prefer not too. I love mushrooms. 29. Favorite Flower? I love roses, daisies, irises...if you buy me flowers-I love them! Im not picky! 30. Favorite ice cream? I love chocolate and strawberry, cookie dough.... 31. Favorite fast food restaurant? Probably McDonalds....hands down-their fries are the best...but I like Wendys too. I like Chinese.... 32. How many times did you fail your drivers test? None.. I passed on the first try, but had to get contacts. I was blind as a bat...still am.... 33. From whom did you get your last email? I have several email addresses-2 for my since I havent been on my personal one tonight-I would say-work related--Rock Cast-Reading Rock and my 6 whatevers are ready for me to order a truck... 34. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Macys or Dillards. 35. Do anything spontaneous lately? No. Im not much of a spontaneous person. Im much more of a planner, but with the right person.....! 36. Like your job? Which one?! 37. Broccoli? Yes, I like Broccoli...I developed a taste for it... 38. What was your favorite vacation? Its really been a long time since I have had a REAL vacation....something to look forward to. 39. Last person you went out to dinner with? My oldest son, Eric, on Sunday. Matt, my youngest, was working there-Texas technically, both of them... 40. What are you listening to right now? Nothing yet...but give me about 15 minutes and I will be blaring the radio in the car until I get home and turn on the soaps..then Forensic Files, maybe... 41. What is your favorite color? Blue. But I love bright colors-reds, greens...purple! 42. How many tattoos do you have? None...though...dont ask my boys how many they have....Im gonna kill them.. 43. How many are you tagging for this quiz? I dont know. Ill just pick a few....I always forget somebody! 44. What time did you finish this quiz? 9 pm ish... 45. Coffee drinker? Nope, never developed a taste for it...Diet Coke...Mountain Dew...and Im set! Theresa Flatt, Rosy Kennedy Surdam, Emily Vey Gentry, Debbie Yarman Castle, Janelle Pickard Tomlinson, Kellee Jo Hatton, Rebecca Howard, Linda Ann Cooper, Alicia King, Alicia Daniel, Kimberly Smith Alexander, Kim McCary, Natalie Mae Trantham, Peter Kavas, Annabelle Nateface, Patricia Kittrell CardenJanet Sullivan Clements, Jacqueline Joelle Latessa
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 03:00:19 +0000

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