Here is Ryans story:: Thru our eyes(his parents). When I was - TopicsExpress


Here is Ryans story:: Thru our eyes(his parents). When I was pregnant with Baby Ryan I always thought something was going to be wrong with him. He came out completely healthy, I thought to myself, maybe my gut feeling was wrong.. Little did I know my gut feeling was right.. On July 18th, 2013, Joel and I took Ryan to the ER because we thought there was something stuck in his belly. He would hold his belly like it hurt, his belly was so swollen, peeing a lot, drinking A LOT, and started to vomit. I signed us into the ER at 10:55pm. The doctor said his belly was from maybe a virus there was nothing stuck. I told her about the peeing and drinking a lot, she asked if diabetes ran in the family... I looked at her, worried as heck, and said yes. They tested his blood and the meter read HI. Before I could ask what that meant, the nurse was out the door and doctor back in the room. She told me when their meter reads HI, it usually means they are REALLY high. I wanted to cry, I wanted to cry harder than I ever had before. I knew what was coming and I wasnt sure if I was able to handle this... Being young parents we have faced a lot of hard times together, but this was going to be bigger then any of them put together... She said we need to take blood and send it to a lab to get an actual number and check his urine for ketones. I thought to myself ketones? What is that? I have to learn all this slang now? I feel bad for this, but they came into do his IV and I stepped out, I could not handle seeing them hold my poor baby down and poke him with a needle. I knew his Daddy was there and would take care of him... I could hear the poor cries from the hallway. I went back in and they stuck a bag to his dinker to get urine. She came back in a little later and said his Blood Glucose was in the 900s... I knew at this point my BABY was going to be diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She started talking about checking ketones in his urine and I got lost. I went into my little world. I was not ready for this, I knew my kids depended on me. But now I would be my sons life line until he can do it ALL on his own. She said we still need to wait for other results to confirm.. The nurse then came in and said he had HIGH ketones. The doctor finally came back and said he does have type 1 diabetes at 4:55am on July 19th, 2013 and will be getting admitted... She said he will probably go to the ICU floor since he is so young, this made things worse... I never thought this disease was this serious. He could die from this disease... They left and I look at Joel... Hes on the verge of tears and so am I. We hug each other and promise one another that we can do this and will do whatever it takes to get Ryan through this. We were both scared and overwhelmed... We had no idea what all we had to learn and all the help out there for us... We made it up to our room at 5:30am, luckily not in ICU. When I walked in I wanted to cry.. They wanted me to put my baby in a cage looking thing. But I knew it was best for him. The doctors and nurses were beyond amazing and showed us everything we needed to know. After Ryans sugars came down I finally got to see the little (baby) boy that had been missing. for what felt like weeks prior he was always mad and yelling.. Now he was so happy and carefree... But it is totally different when you get home... Joel has had to give my 17 month old son a glugagone shot to bring his sugars up because they would not come up. I have had to switch doctors because his doctor wouldnt do anything. I have had to take my son back to the ER for positive ketones and sugars over 500. Ive had the moment of my son is that low, oh crap!(Ryan was acting fine and playing I tested him only because it was bed time and he was 30, scary, right?) ALL things I never wanted to do. But I HAVE to do them for him. I have to stay strong for him when all I want to do is cry. I never wish this on anyone, yes to some Diabetes doesnt seem that serious. I was the same way, my cousin makes it look easy... Its not. Its scary, I mess one little thing up and my son could go low and into a diabetic coma or go high and get ketones. Baby Ryan is taking things very well. He will hand us his finger to prick and want to help with the meter. He does not like the Lantus shot, but tolerates his other shots well. He knows that he has to be tested before bed and stands in his bed and waits for me to test him and then lays down... He has adjusted decently to this. We all have, but times do get rough. When Ryan smiles I know we are doing it all right. That everything will be okay. Aiden has helped out a lot. He makes sure everyone knows he has diabetes and cant have sugar. He wipes Ryans blood off his fingers. The Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD) might not be able to give us an exact number of Ryans blood sugars, but most DADs can warn the person a half hour before blood suagrs drop or rise. It would be an ease at night, knowing I have a constant watch dog, literally, on him. More ease when he starts school. That the dog can let Ryan know when he is high or low instead of depending on teachers to know the signs... Thank you everyone for your support and love through our journey. -Jessi
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:32:35 +0000

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