Here is a Question for every Irish Citizen. Who benefits if the - TopicsExpress


Here is a Question for every Irish Citizen. Who benefits if the Referendum is Yes by the People of IRELAND? I hope and pray that the Irish People will open their eyes and minds in relation to the Seanad Referendum and the consequences for us as a Sovereign Nation. Our Constitution defines us of who we as an individual Citizen ... and how We as a people treat each other with an Irish sense of decency to one and all and our place within this crazy world of ours … it is an Irish bred thing ingrained into us by our mum’s and dad’s. This Referendum will define us even more so as a People … because not only us … the whole world will be watching because … the whole world knows the People of Ireland through no fault of theirs were given a raw deal with the bank collapse at the behest of the ECB and the EU on the Night of Bank Guarantee in Sept 28th 2008. The timing of this Referendum has to be taken seriously not because of the Fine Gael Mandate to save 20 Million and Labour dumping their Party principals in favour of Champagne Socialism during one of Ireland’s worst financial Banking collapses through no fault of the people of Ireland. Ireland is known for its welcoming ways, our traditions, our famine and our scholars … long before we achieved our Independence back in 1916 and our Constitution in 1922 … we in Ireland as a Country are steeped in traditions but … We are a relatively young as a Sovereign Nation compared to other sovereigns. So the question of timing of this Referendum when Ireland is in the stranglehold of imposed financial austerities across all aspects of Irish life within the Family Home that is the backbone of our Sovereign Constitution as to be given serious cause of Local and National Political and Financial concerns to every man, woman and child in Ireland today. Ireland at present has Five Systems of Governance. Local, National, European Parliament, the Troika(ECB/IMF/EU) and Global Financiers. Looking at the last sentence Fellow Voters – Who Benefits, whose Agenda is the our Fine Gael/Labour Government following and under whose wishes … not yours and mine! They are asking you and I to vote Yes with NO BACKUP PLAN OF REFORMS FOR THE DAIL IN 2016. The European Union Biggest Wish list Achievement Yet to Come! The Abolishment of the Irish Seanad on Friday, 4th October 2013 The End of the 1922 Democracy in Ireland in 2016 A Date to Remember in Time Our Sovereign State of Ireland ... Past, Present and Future! The Irish Seanad Needs to be Reformed ... Not abolished! We, as People, as a Nation with its Own Constitution and Sovereignty is being kicked in our gut when Ireland is on its knees by our Political/Financial/EU incompetence since before 2008. Posted on the FB page Irish life and me
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 13:48:26 +0000

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